So I have two interfaces:

public interface ISomething
    public int A();

public interface ISomethingElse
    public int B();

And an object that implements both:

public class MyObject : ISomething, ISomethingElse

Now I have this running code:

List<MyObject> objects = myObjectManager.SelectAll(); // now have say 10 MyObject

MyUtilityClass myUtilityClass = new MyUtilityClass();
MyOtherUtilityClass myOtherUtilityClass = new MyOtherUtilityClass();
myUtilityClass.MySpecialMethod(objects);                  // <- compile failure
myOtherUtilityClass.MySpecialMethod(objects);             // <- another failure

If I want to call A or B on all of them, how can I write code like this:

public class MyUtilityClass
    public void MySpecialMethod(List<ISomething> objects) // <- the problem
        foreach (ISomething o in objects)

public class MyOtherUtilityClass
    public void MySpecialMethod(List<ISomethingElse> objects) // <- the problem
        foreach (ISomethingElse o in objects)

How can I cleanly call MyUtilityClass.MySpecialMethod() on my List<MyObject> objects? Is it possible without all typecasting? The parameters of MyUtilityClass.MySpecialMethod() appear to be the issue (I want to define the parameter as a List of objects that implement ISomething).

  • are you getting a compile error? What is it? edit: Or is the problem that you do not want to have to do the cast in MySpecialMethod? Commented May 3, 2011 at 22:05
  • It was indeed related to avoiding the cast.
    – Cymen
    Commented May 3, 2011 at 23:12

4 Answers 4


You can use IEnumerable<> interface instead of List<>. IEnumerable<> is covariant.

  • You can read more about covariance/contravariance here
    – oxilumin
    Commented May 3, 2011 at 22:13

List does not support covariance.

You may change it to IEnumerable<ISomething> and pass a List<MyObject>.


Personally, I would use the following signature as IEnumerable<T> is covariant:

public void MySpecialMethod(this IEnumerable<ISomething> objects) // <- the problem
    foreach (ISomething o in objects)

Calling it:



public void MySpecialMethod(List<MyObject> objects)
    foreach (ISomethingElse o in objects)


  • Yes but I want to accept any object that implements the interface not a concrete object type.
    – Cymen
    Commented May 3, 2011 at 23:07

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