I am creating a Component and in it I might need to call some other component's method, but I don't know in advance, which component it will be, so I guess "cc.Event" is the best candidate for my task.

When I do it this way, it won't work:

export default class Helloworld extends cc.Component {

    @property({ type: cc.Event })
    public event: cc.Event = new cc.Event("", true);


But I'd like to do it just like we have it in CCButton: event example in properties bar

How can I achieve that? I looked up in CCButton sources, I can see that it points to inspector.js, but I could not find this inspector file anywhere.

1 Answer 1


This is how it works.

export default class Helloworld extends cc.Component {
    mySuperDuperFunction(_ev, customparam) {
        cc.log("hi , i am super duper !",_ev, customparam); // log will output on debug compile.
  1. Drag this as a component to your node
  2. Add this node to your buttons events
  3. Choose HelloWorld for the component combo
  4. Choose mySuperDuperFunction from the list

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