I'm trying to open a file which path has non-ascii characters. The user drags the file into the cmd and I get the path with getline. When I try to open the file using the path provided by the user it doesn't work.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string userInput; //Saves the user input
string autoInput = "C:\\Espolón\\file.txt"; //Specifying the path like this works
ifstream file1; //For opening the file with the userInput
ifstream file2; //For opening the file with autoInput
getline(cin, userInput);
system("CLS"); //Clears the CMD
file1.open(userInput); //This throws an error. Note that I didn't use is_open for cleaner code but im actually using it in my tests
file2.open(autoInput); //This works perfectly
cout << "User input: " + userInput << endl<<"Auto input: " + autoInput << endl; //Both show correctly in the CMD
Although the cout shows everything correctly, while debugging I found out the userInput non-ascii character 'ó' is being changed with a '¢' ("C:\Espol¢n\file.txt") but the autoInput is correctly stored ("C:\Espolón\file.txt"): screen capture. Therefore, I can't open a file using the path provided by the user if it has special characters.
I tried using wide characters as I've read in other similar questions:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
wstring userInput; //Saves the user input
string autoInput = "C:\\Espolón\\file.txt"; //Specifying the path like this works
ifstream file1; //For opening the file with the userInput
ifstream file2; //For opening the file with a fix string
getline(wcin, userInput);
system("CLS"); //Clears the CMD
file1.open(userInput); //This throws an error. Note that I didn't use is_open for cleaner code but im actually using it in my tests
file2.open(autoInput); //This works perfectly
wcout << L"User input: " + userInput << endl;
cout<<"Auto input: " + autoInput << endl; //Both show correctly in the CMD
But the issue persists. I also tried changing the encoding to Unicode but nothing changed.
Any help would be welcomed! (Sry for bad eglish)