is stack is the same with List in F#? what about stack and sequence in F#? and what about queue?

  • Which "stack" and "queue" types are you referring to?
    – phoog
    May 6, 2011 at 16:41
  • List in F# are singly linked list.
    – gradbot
    May 6, 2011 at 16:48

3 Answers 3


Stacks and queues are abstract data types which can be implemented in several different ways. An F# list is implemented as an immutable singly-linked list. Since prepending or deleting an item from the front of a singly-linked list is a constant-time operation, F# lists make a good representation of a stack. But appending to a list is linear-time so they are less suitable for queues.

If you need an ephemeral stack then you might as well use the built-in System.Collections.Generic.Stack<T>. For a persistent stack, you could implement it yourself. This interface might be a good start:

type IStack<'A> =
    abstract member Push : 'A -> IStack<'A>
    abstract member Pop : unit -> 'A * IStack<'A>

or as a recursive data type:

type Stack<'A> = Stack of 'A * Stack<'A> | Empty

But to try and answer your question, although stacks and F# lists are not the same, lists are pervasive in functional programming and, because of their performance characteristics, they are used in places where a C# programmer would naturally reach for a stack. Since they are persistent, they are also a better fit for functional programs (which transform immutable data structures rather than modify mutable ones).


Sequence in F# is a lazily evaluated chain of objects, sort-of like IEnumerable

Here's a book to read. And another one.

Quoting: The Stack<'T> class can be thought of as a mutable version of the F# list.

  • 3
    Not just "sort-of like IEnumerable". seq<'T> is an an alias for IEnumerable<'T> - they're the same type. May 6, 2011 at 18:26
  • @Joel: Good point, but i did not find anything so specific in the spec: projects.ext.haxnet.org/~super/code/fsharp/… Could seq<T> be implementing more than just IEnumerable<T> in the future?
    – GregC
    May 7, 2011 at 5:23
  • 1
    We should be sure we're talking about the same thing. A sequence expression is a particular kind of computation expression that generates a seq<'T>. Other computation expressions do other things, but seq<'T> is really just an alias for IEnumerable<'T>. So sequence expressions might someday return an object that implements more than one interface, but I doubt that seq<'T> will change. May 7, 2011 at 5:44

If you mean stack and queues that are learned in a typical data structures course, then F# list and them are totally different.

  • yes, i mean that.. it seems stack have a same behaviour with List in F# doesn't it? May 6, 2011 at 17:12
  • you can use F# List to simulate a stack, but not possible for a queue.
    – Yin Zhu
    May 7, 2011 at 0:31

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