
I have problem with python program written in python 3.4.2. At the beginning i want to say, that it's not my program.
When i connect with server by SSH and compile it, it works just fine.

Server and PC specification

:enter image description here

...and from my PC:
enter image description here
I have different Python version, but i can't compile it at 3.4.2, because there is no typing module for this specific version, which i need. I don't know if GCC version could cause this problem, but i've tried different versions.

I've downloaded it, and tried to compile it by myself. I run it in the exactly same way.

The real problem

   Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "gads.py", line 28, in <module>
    lists = list_working.ListWorking(files_data)
  File "/home/grzesiek/googleads/lib/list_working.py", line 43, in __init__
    self._acc = self._split_str_list(list_data['accepted']['content'])
  File "/home/grzesiek/googleads/lib/common.py", line 69, in _split_str_list
    splited = re.split(separator, content)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/re.py", line 203, in split
    return _compile(pattern, flags).split(string, maxsplit)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

So far i know that ListWorking(files_data) passes some files which are dictionaries, and at the end when i want to use regex it throws an error. But i can't change these dictionaries to strings or lists, because then it compiles, but erase data that i provide to ListWorking()

Here is fragment of code which i've tried to change:

 def __init__(self, list_data: dict) -> None:
        self._acc = self._split_str_list(list_data['accepted']['content'])
        self._acc = self._del_dup(self._acc)
        self._ign = self._split_str_list(list_data['ignored']['content'])
        self._ign = self._del_dup(self._ign)
        self._pro = self._split_str_list(list_data['protected']['content'])
        self._pro = self._del_dup(self._pro)
        self._fign = self._split_str_list(list_data['full_ignored']['content'])
        self._fign = self._del_dup(self._fign)
        self._key = self._split_str_list(list_data['keywords']['content'])
        self._key = self._del_dup(self._key)
        self._unk = self._split_str_list(list_data['unknown']['content'])
        self._unk = self._del_dup(self._unk)
        self._sw = self._split_str_list(list_data['stopwords']['content'])

And where the last error occurs:

def _split_str_list(content: str, separator: str = '\n') -> list:
    """Split string to list"""
    splited = re.split(separator, content)
    splited = list(x.strip() for x in splited)
    splited = list(filter(None, splited))
    return splited

Also, in Python 3.4.2 it comes to import typing and throws an error, because there is no typing lib in this version of Python.

So - how is it possible to work fine on Linux server but it doesn't on my PC?

1 Answer 1


Well, the answer was much simpler than i thought it would be... I just had to install correct version of enca, code author didn't wrote the specific informations if something is missing, so it was very hard to find, because whole project has about ~5000 lines of code, and enca was used only by one function.
It had nothing to do with Linux or GCC.

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