I have problem with python program written in python 3.4.2. At the beginning i want to say, that it's not my program.
When i connect with server by SSH and compile it, it works just fine.
Server and PC specification
...and from my PC:
I have different Python version, but i can't compile it at 3.4.2, because there is no typing module for this specific version, which i need. I don't know if GCC version could cause this problem, but i've tried different versions.
I've downloaded it, and tried to compile it by myself. I run it in the exactly same way.
The real problem
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 28, in <module>
lists = list_working.ListWorking(files_data)
File "/home/grzesiek/googleads/lib/", line 43, in __init__
self._acc = self._split_str_list(list_data['accepted']['content'])
File "/home/grzesiek/googleads/lib/", line 69, in _split_str_list
splited = re.split(separator, content)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/", line 203, in split
return _compile(pattern, flags).split(string, maxsplit)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
So far i know that ListWorking(files_data) passes some files which are dictionaries, and at the end when i want to use regex it throws an error. But i can't change these dictionaries to strings or lists, because then it compiles, but erase data that i provide to ListWorking()
Here is fragment of code which i've tried to change:
def __init__(self, list_data: dict) -> None:
self._acc = self._split_str_list(list_data['accepted']['content'])
self._acc = self._del_dup(self._acc)
self._ign = self._split_str_list(list_data['ignored']['content'])
self._ign = self._del_dup(self._ign)
self._pro = self._split_str_list(list_data['protected']['content'])
self._pro = self._del_dup(self._pro)
self._fign = self._split_str_list(list_data['full_ignored']['content'])
self._fign = self._del_dup(self._fign)
self._key = self._split_str_list(list_data['keywords']['content'])
self._key = self._del_dup(self._key)
self._unk = self._split_str_list(list_data['unknown']['content'])
self._unk = self._del_dup(self._unk)
self._sw = self._split_str_list(list_data['stopwords']['content'])
And where the last error occurs:
def _split_str_list(content: str, separator: str = '\n') -> list:
"""Split string to list"""
splited = re.split(separator, content)
splited = list(x.strip() for x in splited)
splited = list(filter(None, splited))
return splited
Also, in Python 3.4.2 it comes to import typing
and throws an error, because there is no typing lib in this version of Python.
So - how is it possible to work fine on Linux server but it doesn't on my PC?