I need to call bool.TryParse in F# and I'm having a little difficulty with the compiler / Ionide.


let value = true
let parsable = bool.TryParse("True", &value)

There error I'm seeing in Ionide for VSCode looks like the following.

val value : bool Full name: value

Assembly: example3

The type 'ByRefKinds.InOut' does not match the type 'ByRefKinds.In'F# Compiler(1)

This is the first example that I've used call by ref keywords and syntax in F# so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and the byrefs documentation doesn't seem to be of much help on understanding this particular scenario.

2 Answers 2


It turns out that the main thing I was missing in my example was that value wasn't mutable as it would need to be when called in this context.

Working example:

let mutable value = true
let parsable = bool.TryParse("True", &value)

This solution came to me after reading a slightly related GitHub issue related to Span<T> and then also playing around in dotnet fsi which at least gave me the following clue.

  let parsable = bool.TryParse("True", &value);;

stdin(34,38): error FS3230: A value defined in a module must be mutable in order to take its address, e.g. 'let mutable x = ...'

As it turns out however F# also seems to have sntaxtic sugar around the Try-Parse pattern which I began to recall after playing around with this example further. This reduced into the below alternative solution to calling bool.TryParse.

let value = true
let (parsable, _) = bool.TryParse "True"

Alternatively without having to bind parsable and to specify the default value within a single expression the following example may be more elegant.

let value = match bool.TryParse "True" with
| true, value -> value
| false, _ -> true

Perhaps there are pros and cons to the different ways of calling bool.TryParse and other Try-Parse methods but the important thing is that I found some solutions that work and get me past the initial stumbling blocks with regard to lack of F# documentation on the subject.

  • 1
    Your last example seems the best to me. If you didn't want a default value, then the false case could raise an exception or retry or do something else. Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 16:06

As you have already discovered, the error can be fixed by making the 'value' a mutable variable. Saying that, the last solution solution you shared (using pattern matching) looks the nicest and safest.

If you happen to do many of these parsing operations, I would suggest extracting some utility functions. That will avoid having to correctly pattern match on (true, value) rather than (false, value) by mistake.

Sample code:

open System

module Option =
    let ofTry<'a> (res:(bool*'a)) : 'a option =
        match res with
        | true, res -> Some res
        | false, _ -> None

module Result =    
    let ofTry<'a,'b> (err:'b) (res:(bool*'a)) : Result<'a, 'b> =
        |> csharpToOption
        |> Option.toResult err

module Samples =
    let withPatternMatch =
        match Int32.TryParse "5" with
        | true, value -> value |> Some
        | false, _ -> None

    let withOptionHelper = Int32.TryParse "5" |> Option.ofTry

    let withResultHelper = Int32.TryParse "5" |> Result.ofTry "Not a number"
  • Mabye tryParseTupleToOption?
    – jpierson
    Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 17:27
  • I quite like Option.ofTry & Result.ofTry now - it's also nice to put them in the relevant type's module
    – JSparrow
    Commented Mar 27, 2020 at 14:29

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