' Keep It Simple
' .. why use FileSystemObject or Split when Left and Mid will do it
' the FSO has some 33 Subs or Functions
that have to be loaded each time it is created.
' and needs the file to exist ... yet is only a bit slower
... under twice time.. some good code in FSO
' conservation is good .. spare a few electrons. ????... save a few millionths of a sec
' .. why the format of a function that we all seem to use like
' .. Function GetAStr(x) as string
' dim extraStr as string
' a lot of work with extraStr..
' that could have been done with the string variable GetAStr
already created by the function
' then .. GetAStr=extraStr to put it in its right place
' .. End Function
Function GetNameL1$(FilePath$, Optional NLess& = 1)
' default Nless=1 => name only
' NLess =2 => xcopya.xls xcopyb.xls xcopy7.xlsm all as xcopy to get find latest version
' Nless = - 4 or less => name with name.ext worka.xlsm
GetNameL1 = Mid(FilePath, InStrRev(FilePath, "") + 1)
GetNameL1 = Left(GetNameL1, InStrRev(GetNameL1, ".") - NLess)
End Function
Function LastFold$(FilePath$)
LastFold = Left(FilePath, InStrRev(FilePath, "") - 1)
LastFold = Mid(LastFold, InStrRev(LastFold, "") + 1)
End Function
Function LastFoldSA$(FilePath$)
Dim SA$(): SA = Split(FilePath, "")
LastFoldSA = SA(UBound(SA) - 1)
End Function
, and its 'GetFileName