I am trying to retrieve the questions, comments on questions, and answers of questions related to Python from stack overflow using Stack exchange API. I want to extract all information including body of text of questions, comments, and answers. For extracting questions, I am using following code:

questions = SITE.fetch('questions', tagged='python', fromdate=from_date, todate=today,filter='!9YdnSIN*P')

This filter returns all information related to question including text body of question. However, when I use the same filter to extract the answer of those questions, I don't get text body of answers. Here is the code:

answers = SITE.fetch('questions/{ids}/answers', ids=[59239886],filter='!9YdnSIN*P')

When I change the value of filter to


it started retrieving the text body of answer but it lost other vital information (tags) such as 'question_id' that shows answer related to question. Same problem holds for retrieving information related to comments on questions.

Could anyone guide me how can I get the text body of answers and comments without losing vital information?

1 Answer 1


Just use withbody filter.


from pprint import pprint

from stackapi import StackAPI

SITE = StackAPI('stackoverflow')

pprint(SITE.fetch('questions/{ids}', ids=[59239886], filter='withbody'))
pprint(SITE.fetch('questions/{ids}/answers', ids=[59239886], filter='withbody'))

Using this filter it outputs all bodies and tags and everything


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