Hi guys I'm having problem with listview component on IOS13 I tried updating to the latest version but that doesn't work

I fixed it by patching listview.ios.js, directly in node_modules Like suggested from comment here:


And that is working fine but is there any to patch it differently ?

For example:

I tried creating new file app-platform.ios.js

and attaching missing methods to listview directly like:

const listview = require('nativescript-ui-listview');

listview.ListViewCell.prototype.systemLayoutSizeFittingSizeWithHorizontalFittingPriorityVerticalFittingPriority = function (targetSize, horizontalFittingPriority, verticalFittingPriority) {
    if (this.view && this.view.itemView && this.view.itemView.parent) {
        var owner = this.view.itemView.parent;
        owner._preparingCell = true;
        var dimensions = owner.layoutCell(this, undefined);
        owner._preparingCell = false;
        return CGSizeMake(view_1.layout.toDeviceIndependentPixels(dimensions.measuredWidth), view_1.layout.toDeviceIndependentPixels(dimensions.measuredHeight));
    return targetSize;

But that creashes my app, I get cannot call method on undefined :/

  • Are you sure that your package.json reference "nativescript-ui-listview": "^7.1.0", or higher?
    – Tim
    Dec 16, 2019 at 13:14
  • yes, and it wont render item rows, but also my tns-ios is on 4.0.1 and tns cli is on 5.4.2
    – Loki
    Dec 16, 2019 at 13:31
  • What's the version of your tns-core-modules? Also whats the version of nativescript-ui-core in your package lock file?
    – Manoj
    Dec 16, 2019 at 14:04
  • Its not about the version if I edit directly listview.ios.js it is working, but how do I add those methods to prototype ?
    – Loki
    Dec 16, 2019 at 15:18
  • 1
    It's about the version, because those specific lines of code were fixed in 7.x I guess. There could be compatibility issues if you are running lower version of tns runtime / core modules with higher version of UI packages. But if you are fine with patching it up, you could but you should know how & where. I'm not sure where you found the above code but there are no reference of ListViewCell in the package. Here is a code snippet which seem to work for your case, with older version of list view.
    – Manoj
    Dec 17, 2019 at 11:41

1 Answer 1


If someone still needs this, managed to solve it in you main.js path listview with this.

const application = require('application');

if (application.ios) {
    const view_1 = require("tns-core-modules/ui/core/view");
    const listView = require('nativescript-ui-listview');

    listView.ExtendedListViewCell.prototype.systemLayoutSizeFittingSizeWithHorizontalFittingPriorityVerticalFittingPriority = function (targetSize, horizontalFittingPriority, verticalFittingPriority) {
        if (this.view && this.view.itemView && this.view.itemView.parent) {
            var owner = this.view.itemView.parent;
            owner._preparingCell = true;
            var dimensions = owner.layoutCell(this, undefined);
            owner._preparingCell = false;
            return CGSizeMake(
        return targetSize;

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