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I am trying to save the values in a range of cells in an active worksheet of the excel workbook that is open, as a PDF file.

I am using the following code for the same.

Dim objExcel
Dim objExcelPayrollDetailsWB
Dim objExcelEmpDetailWS
Dim objExcelPayslipWS

Dim strExcelFilePath
StrExcelFilePath = "D:\Salary\PayrollProcessing\Sample Salary Statement Sep-2019.xlsx"

Dim strPdfPaysliPath
strPdfPaysliPath = "D:\Salary\PayrollProcessing\GeneratedPayslips\"

Dim strPayslipFileNameWithPath
Dim strPaySlipName
Dim strPaySlipMonthYear

' Initiate Excel Application
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True

' Specify the Excel workbook to be opened and the logical local drive path where the workbook is available
Set objExcelPayrollDetailsWB = objExcel.Workbooks.open(strExcelFilePath)

' Set the focus to the required worksheet
Set objExcelEmpDetailWS = objExcelPayrollDetailsWB.Worksheets("BLRCC")

strPaySlipMonthYear = objExcelEmpDetailWS.Cells(5,4).Value
strPaySlipMonthYear = Month(strPaySlipMonthYear)&"-"&Year(strPaySlipMonthYear)

Set objExcelPayslipWS = objExcelPayrollDetailsWB.Worksheets("BLRCC PS")

strPaySlipName = objExcelPayslipWS.Cells(15,15).Value&"_"&strPaySlipMonthYear

strPayslipFileNameWithPath = strPdfPaysliPath & strPaySlipName & ".pdf"

' Code to save the active worksheet (the payslip worksheet in the 'PayrollDetailsWB') as PDF in a specific path
'   *SAVE Payslip as a PDF document*
'   *************************************
'   Save a range as PDF
    MsgBox "The name of the active sheet is: " & (objExcelPayrollDetailsWB.ActiveSheet.Name)


    objExcel.ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat 0, Filename:= _
        strPayslipFileNameWithPath, Quality:= _
        xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _

When I execute it, a Microsoft VBScript compilation error, stating,

"Expected statement" is thrown at the line, objExcel.ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat 0, Filename:= _

  • VBScript doesn't have named parameters, you can't do Filename:=.
    – BigBen
    Dec 19, 2019 at 15:53
  • Does this answer your question? Does VBScript allow named arguments in function calls?
    – BigBen
    Dec 19, 2019 at 15:53
  • 1
    Thank you Ben. The following script finally worked. 'objExcelPayslipWS.Range("A1:AB55").ExportAsFixedFormat 0, strPayslipFileNameWithPath,0, 1, 0,,,0' Dec 20, 2019 at 16:59


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