In C#, using SqlDataReader, is there a way to read a boolean value from the DB?
while (reader.Read())
destPath = reader["destination_path"].ToString();
destFile = reader["destination_file"].ToString();
createDir = reader["create_directory"].ToString();
deleteExisting = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["delete_existing"]);
skipIFolderDate = reader["skipifolderdate"].ToString();
useTempFile = reader["useTempFile"].ToString();
password = reader["password"].ToString();
In the code above, delete_existing is always a 1 or 0 in the DB. I read on MSDN that Convert.ToBoolean() does not accept a 1 or 0 as valid input. It only accepts true or false. Is there an alternative way to convert a DB value to a bool? Or do I need to do this outside of the SqlDataReader?
Also, I can not change the DB values, so please no answers saying, "Change the DB values from 1's and 0's to true's and false's."