I'm developing a Chrome extension that does something when a <td> tag is clicked in a web page.

Here's some sample code:


        <td id="mytest"><a href="http://blablabla.com">Foo Bar</a></td>


var myTd = document.getElementById("mytest");
myTd.addEventListener("click", function() {
    localStorage["foobar"] = 1;

When I click the link, the localStorage key is set, if I click it with the mouse middle button, it also sets the key (and opens the link in a new tab).

The problem is when I use right-click and "open link in a new tab". In this case the click event doesn't seem to be fired and therefore the localStorage key will not be set.

Am I missing something? Is there any way to make the right-click -> "open link in new tab" fire the click event?

Please note that I don't want to add the listener to the <a> node, because of some complications in the real HTML I'm working on.

2 Answers 2


nice question...

There is not a rightclick event on browser, chrome send the events mousedown, mouseup and contextmenu,

I found the following webpage quite useful, though I've not checked the rightbutton part, the general description of chain of events is quite faithful.

For a quick reference: http://unixpapa.com/js/mouse.html

  • Although this answer does not solve my problem directly, the link gave me info for a nice workaround. Thanks!
    – rogeriopvl
    Commented May 13, 2011 at 20:41

Use mousedown event in place of click:

var myTd = document.getElementById("mytest");
myTd.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
    localStorage["foobar"] = 1;

In this way even if the user chooses to "Open link in a new tab", it still works.

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