How can I make a keyboard shortcut for Navigate > File History... in Sublime Merge?

1 Answer 1


The command for this is file_history; it will prompt you interactively in the command palette and commands of that nature need to be invoked via the show_command_palette command.

So, a key binding that duplicates what the menu item Navigate > File History... does would look like the following (using an example key; change that as desired):

      "keys": ["ctrl+alt+t"], 
      "command": "show_command_palette", "args": {"command": "file_history"}

This binding goes into the Default (<PLATFORM>).sublime-keymap file in your Merge User package, where <PLATFORM> is one of Linux, Windows or OSX depending on what platform you're using.

You can locate the User package by choosing the Preferences > Browse Packages command from the menu and then navigating inside of the User package.

Note that just like Sublime, the sublime-keymap file is a JSON file that is a list of key bindings; thus if you don't already have key bindings, you need to wrap the key binding above in [ and ] characters to make it the first item in the list.


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