This is what I have right now:


It looks like Rust uses CreateProcessW for running Windows processes, which allows creation flags. Perhaps there is a flag which will do what I need?

  • crates.io/search?q=windows, gl, but I don't think it's easy, windows... is based on window, maybe you want implement a windows service ?
    – Stargateur
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 6:29
  • you can use or CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag (will be no window, but will be console(invisible) created for process) or DETACHED_PROCESS - will be no console at all. this more efficient compare with CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag (will be no additional conhost.exe) but application can exit, if it assume console handles exist and work
    – RbMm
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 10:10

2 Answers 2


You could use std::os::windows::process::CommandExt::creation_flags. Please refer to the documentation page for the Process Creation Flags or ideally use the constants from winapi.

You wrote that this is a GUI application, so I assume you don't need the console output on this one. DETACHED_PROCESS does not create conhost.exe, but if you want to process the output you should use CREATE_NO_WINDOW.

I would also recommend using start as the command because otherwise you will have to use cmd.exe and this will probably delay the start by a few milliseconds.


use std::process::Command;
use std::os::windows::process::CommandExt;

const CREATE_NO_WINDOW: u32 = 0x08000000;
const DETACHED_PROCESS: u32 = 0x00000008;

let mut command = Command::new("cmd").args(&["/C", "start", &exe_path]);
command.creation_flags(DETACHED_PROCESS); // Be careful: This only works on windows

// If you use DETACHED_PROCESS you could set stdout, stderr, and stdin to Stdio::null() to avoid possible allocations.

std:os::windows::process::CommandExt extends the process::Command builder with Windows-specific options when building for Windows. No constant is defined in the standard library for CREATE_NO_WINDOW, so you'd either need to define it yourself or use the raw value of 0x08000000:

let command = Command::new("my-command")

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