What value do I need to provide for RelativeMountPath to mount a file share to the batch pool with windows compute nodes?


As per the documentation, it says "The relative path on the compute node where the file system will be mounted"

Currently, I get "MountConfigurationException: Incorrect invocation or permissions" error, when it adds a node to the pool.

I tried using both powershell and C# code. In both scenarios, it didnt work. Below is the C# code

private static void CreateBatchPool(BatchClient batchClient, CloudServiceConfiguration cloudServiceConfiguration)
                CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: PoolId,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                    targetLowPriorityComputeNodes: 0,
                    cloudServiceConfiguration: cloudServiceConfiguration);
                pool.MaxTasksPerComputeNode = 8;
                pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = CreateAppPackageReferences();
                pool.TaskSchedulingPolicy = new TaskSchedulingPolicy(ComputeNodeFillType.Pack);
                pool.MountConfiguration = new List<MountConfiguration>();
                pool.MountConfiguration.Add(new MountConfiguration(CreateFileShareConfiguration(batchClient)));


            private static AzureFileShareConfiguration CreateFileShareConfiguration(BatchClient batchClient)
            string url = @"https://storage.file.core.windows.net/fileshare";
            AzureFileShareConfiguration fileShareConfiguration = new AzureFileShareConfiguration(StorageAccountName, url, "foo", StorageAccountKey);
            return fileShareConfiguration;
  • Found a fix Instead of foo, replaced it with the network drive letter. For eg: "Z"
    – Mike143
    Apr 9, 2020 at 17:17

1 Answer 1


Please note the API you are using is the BatchAI API and azure-batch has a separate API as well, I will fix the tag as well. I wanted to clear that first before answering to your post :)

for completeness I will mention the Azue-batch vanilla mount API below with detail and link.

  • Regarding the BatchAI API I think it is same as the batch vanilla api where RelativeMountPath is the relative directory structure of the folder accessible by using the environment variable i.e. AZ_BATCHAI_MOUNT_ROOT + <dir_name_supplied> Say for example: if you supply relative mount directory name as foo then once pool is successfully created at the Batch Level the mounted directory will be accessible via : AZ_BATCHAI_MOUNT_ROOT\foo

  • further accessing environment variable is detailed here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables#command-line-expansion-of-environment-variables like in windows you can access via %MY_ENV_VAR% et. al.

  • Further, the MountConfigurationException: Incorrect invocation or permissions represent that you have supplied wrong information which is causing the mis-configuration hence batch is returning the permission error. The document mentioned above should be able to guide.

OR Extra information about separate batch level API

Azure-Batch Vanilla mount API (Note: You are not using this but I am giving this information just as fyi)

This document has good detail to start with, Mount virtual file system on a pool.

For this specific API In mount for azurefile system the context of RelativeMountPath for directory structure created relative to standard fsmounts directory accessible on the node via AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.:i.e.

Relative mount path or Source: The location of the file system mounted on the compute node, relative to standard fsmounts directory accessible on the node via AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR. The exact location varies depending on the operating system used on the node. For example, the physical location on an Ubuntu node is mapped to mnt\batch\tasks\fsmounts, and on a CentOS node it is mapped to mnt\resources\batch\tasks\fsmounts.

In windows nodes it will be somewhere at widows level file directory of fsmounts more details or environment variable is here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-compute-node-environment-variables

This should be able to guide you to right direction. Thanks!

  • Thanks for your help. I am using below powershell script to mount the file share to the batch pool. I am providing correct information, I believe. Follwing is the script command: $fileShareConfig = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Batch.Models.PSAzureFileShareConfiguration" ` -ArgumentList @("accountname", "https://[batchaccount].file.core.windows.net/{fileshare}","fooRelativePath", ` "storageaccountkey")
    – Mike143
    Jan 13, 2020 at 16:39
  • All good and glad it helped, :) cool, so at first you mentioned using the BatchAI API but the powershell you are referring is the Batch. Secondly, the order of the argument looks incorrect so please do check the order of the arguments you are passing, Thirdly in you are using C# APIhttps://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/master/articles/batch/virtual-file-mount.md#azure-files-share fourth For Debugging refer to this please refer docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/… , should give you some good pointers, thanks.
    – Tats_innit
    Jan 17, 2020 at 2:35

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