I am thinking that I will face a issue with concurrency. All my models has concurrency rowversion timestamp.

A example if I buy a item from a shop I will add the money to the shop in SQL I can do "money=money+value" but with EF Core I cannot do that.

Current logic:

  1. I fetch the "PropertyId, Money, RowVersion" as "DTO"
  2. Validation
  3. Money = Money+Cost (This value can be changed by another process/request?)
  4. Using EF Core Plus Updating only the column if RowVersion is same.
  5. If update return 0 I throw DbUpdateConcurrencyException
  6. Rerun the method again.

Different code example:

    var charIdsQuery = Query.Select(x => x.Id);
            //Todo change the count so it only reflect all users logged in on current day.
            var qty = await _db.Users.CountAsync() * 10;

            var query = _db.Items.
                Where(x => charIdsQuery.Contains(x.CharacterId) && x.State == Models.Areas.Game.Enums.ItemState.ShopSale)
                .Select(x => new ItemRefillViewModel {
                    Id = x.Id,
                    Quantity = x.Quantity,
                    CharacterId = x.CharacterId,
                    Cost = x.Detail.Properties.Where(z => z.Key == ItemConstant.KEY_STATS_COST).Select(z => z.ValueDecimal).FirstOrDefault() ?? 0,
                    RowVersion = x.RowVersion
                }).OrderBy(x => x.CharacterId).ThenBy(x => x.Quantity);

            int currentShopId = -1;
            int updates = 0;
            var helper = await BatchHelper<ItemRefillViewModel>.CreateAsync(query,1,200);

            var shopData = new Dictionary<int, ShopRefillData>();
            var itemData = new Dictionary<long, ItemRefillData>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= helper.TotalPages; i++)
                var items = await helper.GetBatch(i).ToArrayAsync();

                foreach (var item in items)
                    int qtyToBuy = qty - item.Quantity;
                    if (qtyToBuy < 1) continue; //has enough qty
                    decimal cost = qtyToBuy * item.Cost * 0.70m;

                    if (currentShopId != item.CharacterId)
                        currentShopId = item.CharacterId;
                        var info = await _db.CharacterProperties.Where(x => x.CharacterId == currentShopId && x.Key == CharacterConstant.KEY_MONEY)
                            .Select(x => new { ShopMoney = x.ValueDecimal, x.RowVersion })

                        if(info != null && !shopData.ContainsKey(currentShopId))
                            shopData[currentShopId] = new ShopRefillData(info.ShopMoney ?? 0,info.RowVersion);

                    if (cost > shopData[currentShopId].Money) continue; // cannot buy batch

                    shopData[currentShopId].Money -= cost;
                    itemData[item.Id] = new ItemRefillData(qtyToBuy + item.Quantity,item.RowVersion);

                //Begin saving the batch
                using var transaction = await _db.Database.BeginTransactionAsync();
                    var updated = 0;
                    foreach (var sItem in shopData)
                        updated = await _db.CharacterProperties.Where(x => x.CharacterId == sItem.Key && 
                        x.Key == CharacterConstant.KEY_MONEY && x.RowVersion == sItem.Value.Version)
                            .UpdateAsync(x => new CharacterProperty() { ValueDecimal = sItem.Value.Money });
                        if(updated == 0)
                            //Could not update, conflict error.

                    if(updated != 0)
                        foreach (var iItem in itemData)
                            updated = await _db.Items
                                .Where(x => x.Id == iItem.Key && x.RowVersion == iItem.Value.Version)
                                .UpdateAsync(x => new Item { Quantity = iItem.Value.Qty });

                            if (updated == 0)
                                //Could not update, conflict error.
                                await transaction.RollbackAsync();

                    if(updated != 0)
                        await transaction.CommitAsync();
                    await transaction.RollbackAsync();

            return updates;

I am using Entity Framework Plus and UpdateAsync function which return int of updated rows with EF Core transaction.

Is it wrong or is there a better way to do it?


https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/saving/concurrency will this only work if I fetch the whole entity?

  • Please show code. The description is too loose to see what actually happens. Esp. the part I throw DbUpdateConcurrencyException sounds suspicious. EF should do that. Jan 17, 2020 at 20:20
  • I see if I can get some code too, I want to use Entity Framework Plus and UpdateAsync so I don't fetch all columns. I don't think EF will throw DbUpdateConcurrencyException then. I tried that and nothing is thrown by EF. I show code part without the throwing.
    – XzaR
    Jan 17, 2020 at 21:26
  • += is not thread-safe in C#. Jan 17, 2020 at 21:37
  • @HenkHolterman yes thats why I need help on Concurrency is there no db function to run += on database instead?
    – XzaR
    Jan 17, 2020 at 22:20

1 Answer 1


I think I solved it this way but it seems to be lot of code for a small thing.

   private class ShopRefillData
        public ShopRefillData(decimal money, byte[] version)
            CurrentMoney = money;
            Version = version;

        public decimal CurrentMoney { get; set; }
        public byte[] Version { get; set; }
        public decimal Cost { get; set; }
        public decimal NewMoney => CurrentMoney - Cost;

    private class ItemRefillData
        public ItemRefillData(int currentQty, int qtyToRemove, byte[] version)
            CurrentQty = currentQty;
            QtyToRemove = qtyToRemove;
            Version = version;

        public int CurrentQty { get; set; }
        public int QtyToRemove { get; private set; }
        public byte[] Version { get; set; }

        public int NewQty => CurrentQty - QtyToRemove;

    public async Task<int> RefillStockForAllAsync()
        var charIdsQuery = Query.Select(x => x.Id);

        var DbF = EF.Functions;
        var currentDay = (DateTime?)DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
        //Reflect all users logged in on current day, the shop will only refill to match the demand of active users.
        var qty = await _db.Users.Where(x => DbF.DateDiffDay(x.LastLoginAt,currentDay) == 0).CountAsync() * 10;

        var query = _db.Items.
            Where(x => charIdsQuery.Contains(x.CharacterId) && x.State == Models.Areas.Game.Enums.ItemState.ShopSale)
            .Select(x => new ItemRefillViewModel {
                Id = x.Id,
                Quantity = x.Quantity,
                CharacterId = x.CharacterId,
                Cost = x.Detail.Properties.Where(z => z.Key == ItemConstant.KEY_STATS_COST).Select(z => z.ValueDecimal).FirstOrDefault() ?? 0,
                RowVersion = x.RowVersion
            }).OrderBy(x => x.CharacterId).ThenBy(x => x.Quantity);

        int currentShopId = -1;
        int updates = 0;
        var helper = await BatchHelper<ItemRefillViewModel>.CreateAsync(query,1,200);

        var shopData = new Dictionary<int, ShopRefillData>();
        var itemData = new Dictionary<long, ItemRefillData>();
        for (int i = 1; i <= helper.TotalPages; i++)
            var items = await helper.GetBatch(i).ToArrayAsync();

            foreach (var item in items)
                int qtyToBuy = qty - item.Quantity;
                if (qtyToBuy < 1) continue; //has enough qty
                decimal cost = qtyToBuy * item.Cost * 0.70m;

                if (currentShopId != item.CharacterId)
                    currentShopId = item.CharacterId;
                    var info = await _db.CharacterProperties.Where(x => x.CharacterId == currentShopId && x.Key == CharacterConstant.KEY_MONEY)
                        .Select(x => new { ShopMoney = x.ValueDecimal, x.RowVersion })

                    if(info != null && !shopData.ContainsKey(currentShopId))
                        shopData[currentShopId] = new ShopRefillData(info.ShopMoney ?? 0,info.RowVersion);

                if (cost > shopData[currentShopId].CurrentMoney) continue; // cannot buy batch

                shopData[currentShopId].Cost += cost;
                itemData[item.Id] = new ItemRefillData(item.Quantity, qtyToBuy, item.RowVersion);

            //Begin saving the batch
            using var transaction = await _db.Database.BeginTransactionAsync();
                var updated = 0;
                foreach (var sItem in shopData)
                    updated = await _db.CharacterProperties.Where(x => x.CharacterId == sItem.Key && 
                    x.Key == CharacterConstant.KEY_MONEY && x.RowVersion == sItem.Value.Version)
                        .UpdateAsync(x => new CharacterProperty() { ValueDecimal = sItem.Value.NewMoney });
                    if(updated == 0)
                        //concurrency check
                        var info = await _db.CharacterProperties.Where(x => x.CharacterId == currentShopId && x.Key == CharacterConstant.KEY_MONEY)
                            .Select(x => new { ShopMoney = x.ValueDecimal, x.RowVersion })

                        if(info != null)
                            sItem.Value.CurrentMoney = info.ShopMoney ?? 0; //Refreshing money from db.
                            updated = await _db.CharacterProperties.Where(x => x.CharacterId == sItem.Key &&
                            x.Key == CharacterConstant.KEY_MONEY && x.RowVersion == info.RowVersion)
                                .UpdateAsync(x => new CharacterProperty() { ValueDecimal = sItem.Value.NewMoney });

                        if (updated == 0)
                            //Could not update, concurrency error after another try. Will try again on next cronjob.

                if(updated != 0)
                    foreach (var iItem in itemData)
                        updated = await _db.Items
                            .Where(x => x.Id == iItem.Key && x.RowVersion == iItem.Value.Version)
                            .UpdateAsync(x => new Item { Quantity = iItem.Value.NewQty });

                        if (updated == 0)
                            //concurrency check
                            var info = await _db.Items.Where(x => x.Id == iItem.Key)
                                .Select(x => new { x.Quantity, x.RowVersion })
                            if (info != null)
                                iItem.Value.CurrentQty = info.Quantity; //refreshing qty from database
                                updated = await _db.Items
                                    .Where(x => x.Id == iItem.Key && x.RowVersion == info.RowVersion)
                                    .UpdateAsync(x => new Item { Quantity = iItem.Value.NewQty });

                            if (updated == 0)
                                //Could not update, concurrency error after second try. Will try again on next cronjob.
                                await transaction.RollbackAsync();

                if(updated != 0)
                    await transaction.CommitAsync();
                await transaction.RollbackAsync();

        return updates;
  • But it's not a small thing ... your Linq queries allow delayed execution, but at the end of the day the data processing, setting the value, is in memory, but concurrency is in the database. A simpler approach is to move this logic into the database in the form of a stored procedure. Jan 25, 2020 at 0:23

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