I have validators inside a <asp:formview>, in order to show custom validation I am using

if (!Page_ClientValidate("groupName")) {}

I am getting an error Object Expected. How can I validate client side from the form view?

I use Page_ClientValidate for <asp:listview> and there

  • Can you edit your question, it's a bit unclear. Is the code you're trying to run on the client (JavaScript) or the server (codebehind)? Commented May 12, 2011 at 14:17
  • The validation is client side. The validators are inside a form view. Validation for list view work fine. Why does the Page_ClientValidate throw this error when called from a button click from the form view?
    – William
    Commented May 12, 2011 at 15:28

3 Answers 3


The Page_ClientValidate function may sometimes be undefined, e.g. if there are no validators on the page. Check if typeof Page_ClientValidate === "function" before calling it.


This would also occur if all validator's EnableClientScript properties are set to false.


Call the following Javascript function whenever you want and pass the validation group name of your form to it..

        function ValidateForm(ValidationGroupName)
          var validated=Page_ClientValidate(ValidationGroupName); 
            //do the logic here
            return true;
            return false;

Hope this will help you....

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