I have a structure like this:

<div data-test-locator="MyId">
    <input value="some" type="checkbox" checked />

I need to test if the checkbox is checked. But how can I get it in the first place? I can get an element with a test id like this: getByTestId('MyId') But how can I get its child input?

  • Why not put the test ID on the thing you want to interact with?
    – jonrsharpe
    Commented Jan 19, 2020 at 8:37
  • 1
    It's generated by a third party. But I need to test that checkbox is checked somehow.
    – Anna
    Commented Jan 19, 2020 at 8:40

4 Answers 4


If you know the structure would not change, you can use firstChild



Using querySelector we don't need to know the structure:

const input = screen


For now, I resolved it by getting my checkbox by value:



I'm not sure if this is a new introduction to the Testing Library, but there is a documentation page titled "Querying Within Elements" which gives an example like this, using within:

import {render, screen, within} from '@testing-library/react'

render(<MyComponent />)
const wrapperDiv = screen.getByTestId('MyId')
const checkbox = within(wrapperDiv).getByRole('checkbox')

Given a slightly modified data attribute on the MyComponent element:

<div data-testid="MyId">
    <input value="some" type="checkbox" checked />

Though according to byTestId docs right now it's encouraged to try to use other queries like byRole, byLabelText etc before relying on byTestId, if possible.

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