So I was pulling information from this Website and it was running really slow. List<WebElement> listofprogramrequirements = row.findElements(By.className("course-selection-title")); I am assuming I need a single object and to pull my information from the row. Tr-> course-selection-> course-numbers.

    WebElement tableelement = 
    List<WebElement> trs = tableelement.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
    for (WebElement row : trs) 
        List<WebElement> listofprogramrequirements = row.findElements(By.className("course-selection- 
        for (WebElement col : listofprogramrequirements) 
            List<WebElement> coursenumbers = row.findElements(By.className("course-number")); 
                Iterator<WebElement> iter = coursenumbers.iterator();
                // This will check whether list has some element or not
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    WebElement item = iter.next();
                    String label = item.getText();

  All of
  CPSC 1050
  CPSC 1150
  CPSC 1160
  CPSC 1181
  CPSC 2150
  MATH 2362
  Two of
  One of
  MATH 1171
  • could you elaborate your question?
    – Amruta
    Jan 23, 2020 at 3:55
  • My code runs incredibly slow for what it is supposed to do. Is there a way to rewrite this to increase the speed. I need to grab the course-select, course-numbers to write out what it produces above. After the first loop it goes slow. Jan 23, 2020 at 3:58
  • The website has a table which I need to grab the all the tr/td colspan="2", from there I grab the course-selection class name and then grab all the course-numbers while printing the info. Jan 23, 2020 at 4:08

1 Answer 1


You can simply your code by locating course-selection-title directly and use it to locate the courses under it

List<WebElement> listofprogramrequirements = driver.findElements(By.className("course-selection-title"));
for (WebElement col: listofprogramrequirements) {
    List<WebElement> coursenumbers = col.findElements(By.xpath(".//..//td[@class='course-number']"));

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