Current situation. I don't know if my function is correct and how to "apply" to pd.Series.


def levels(row):
if row.between(0,3):
    return "basic"
elif row.between(3.01, 8.5):
    return "intermediate"
    return "advanced"

My Series: test_result["Points"] looks:

    1            3.0
Book1            0.0
Maja             1.0
Michal.Faron     0.0
Solutions       10.0
Name: Points, dtype: float64

I have tried:


I want at the end additional column: LEVEL with strings based on if criteria within my function

  • I think map is a better use for your syntax. Try test_result['LEVEL']=map(levels, est_result["Points"]) Jan 30, 2020 at 17:07
  • Alireza when I use your suggestion it is close and my result is: Points LEVEL 1 3.0 <map object at 0x000001E06D170D90> Book1 0.0 <map object at 0x000001E06D170D90> Maja 1.0 <map object at 0x000001E06D170D90> Michal.Faron 0.0 <map object at 0x000001E06D170D90> Solutions 10.0 <map object at 0x000001E06D170D90>
    – Mishko
    Jan 30, 2020 at 17:11
  • Put a list outside of map as in : list(map(....)) Jan 30, 2020 at 17:11
  • 1
    This is much better done with pd.cut. Right now your elif logic is a bit wonky, for instance 3.001 is included in the else clause though you probably wouldn't want that. Really you should define proper bins with consistent closing.
    – ALollz
    Jan 30, 2020 at 17:17

2 Answers 2


It will be quite slow if applied to a large dataset. Would suggest using mask or loc;

df['level'] = 'advanced'
df.loc[3.01 <= df.points < 8.5, 'level'] = 'intermediate'
df.loc[0 <= df.points < 3.01, 'level'] = 'basic'

Should be a lot quicker.


Oh, I thought that would work, but it doesn't. Use this instead;

df.loc[(df.points >= 3.01) & (df.points < 8.5), 'level'] = 'intermediate'
df.loc[(df.points >= 0) & (df.points < 3.01), 'level'] = 'basic'
  • When I put this into my code i got: ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
    – Mishko
    Jan 30, 2020 at 17:35

The problem is that row is a float, and floats do not have between method. If you really want to use it you can convert it back to be a pandas series:

def levels(row):
    if pd.Series([row]).between(0,3)[0]:
        return "basic"
    elif pd.Series([row]).between(3.01, 8.5)[0]:
        return "intermediate"
        return "advanced"

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