I'm stucked on my next problem.

I read a line from a textfile containing like:

(("ITEM" "05") ("NUMBER" "1") ("DESCRIPTION" "*RECHTE INSTEEKKOP. 1/4\"-8MM") ("ARTICLENUMBER" "S110010000104"))

In Lisp this is a List and for retrieving the value of eg ITEM in Lisp:

(cadr (assoc "ITEM" str))

This gives 05

How can I achieve this simply in C#?

  • 6
    There is no "simply", this is not a naively serializable file in .net. Firstly you will need to read the file, parse the file into a dictionary, then return the value you want by key
    – TheGeneral
    Feb 7, 2020 at 9:59
  • Answers for this question should help. And this article.
    – BWA
    Feb 7, 2020 at 10:11

2 Answers 2


You could use Regex to parse the value and then fetch the result. For example,

var valueCollection = Regex.Matches(datastring,@"\(""(?<Key>.+?(?=""))""\s+""(?<Value>.+?(?=""))""\)")
                                .Select(x=>new {Key = x.Groups["Key"].Value,Value = x.Groups["Value"].Value,});

This would provide you with collection as the following

enter image description here

You could now fetch the Value where Key is equal to "ITEM" using Linq.

var itemValue = valueCollection.First(x=>x.Key=="ITEM").Value;

Alternatively, you could convert the string to a Dictionary as

var valueCollection = Regex.Matches(datastring,@"\(""(?<Key>.+?(?=""))""\s+""(?<Value>.+?(?=""))""\)")

You could now parse the required ITEM value as

var itemValue = valueCollection["ITEM"];

Update Based on comment

In case you expect empty values, you could use the following regex pattern.

  • Nice work, though what if the list has an escaped ) ?
    – TheGeneral
    Feb 7, 2020 at 10:21
  • @Marco Glad it helped. Kindly mark it as Answer/Helpful if it helped in resolving your issue
    – Anu Viswan
    Feb 7, 2020 at 13:11
  • I got an error when value is "". In next line "DIMENSIONS" is empty. (("ITEM" "01") ("NUMBER" "4") ("DESCRIPTION" "LUIK TEMA Ø 450") ("DIMENSIONS" "") ("REMARKS" "VOLGENS S000001-0004") ("ABS" "S") ("CADID" "32A96") ("ARTICLENUMBER" "S000001-0004") ("ZAAGCODE" "") ("Snijden" ""))
    – Marco
    Feb 10, 2020 at 14:58
  • @Anu Thanks, works fine! I try to understand regex.matches but no change. So I give up and just copy paste it in my code and it works. I will try again to understand later.
    – Marco
    Feb 13, 2020 at 6:59

Another approach is using Split function

string values = "((\"ITEM\" \"05\") (\"NUMBER\" \"1\") (\"DESCRIPTION\" \" * RECHTE INSTEEKKOP. 1 / 4\" - 8MM\") (\"ARTICLENUMBER\" \"S110010000104\"))";

var keyValuePairs = values.Split(new[] { "(", ")", " (", ") " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                    .Select(s => s.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2))
                    .ToDictionary(x => x[0].ToString(), x => x[1].ToString());


enter image description here

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