I've written a function to sort a ListView when a column header is clicked. I now want the function to work for any column. My first thought was to pass a string representing the property being displayed in the column and using if
or switch
to sort by the correct property E.g.:
private bool sortOrder = false;
public void SortCol(string property)
OUModel ou = ADRoot.Descendants().Where(node => node.IsSelected == true).FirstOrDefault() as OUModel;
if (ou != null)
switch (property)
case "Name":
if (sortOrder)
ou.Computers = new List<RemoteComputer>(ou.Computers.OrderBy(c => c.Name));
ou.Computers = new List<RemoteComputer>(ou.Computers.OrderByDescending(c => c.Name));
case "LastUpdated":
if (sortOrder)
ou.Computers = new List<RemoteComputer>(ou.Computers.OrderBy(c => c.LastUpdated));
ou.Computers = new List<RemoteComputer>(ou.Computers.OrderByDescending(c => c.LastUpdated));
// etc...
sortOrder = !sortOrder;
But this will obviously get quite long and repetitive. Instead I wondered if I could pass the property itself. But I'm trying to pass the property type from XAML (using Caliburn.Micro Actions) and can't figure out how.
private bool sortOrder = false;
public void SortCol<T>(Func<RemoteComputer, T> property)
OUModel ou = ADRoot.Descendants().Where(node => node.IsSelected == true).FirstOrDefault() as OUModel;
if (ou != null)
if (sortOrder)
ou.Computers = new List<RemoteComputer>(ou.Computers.OrderBy(property));
ou.Computers = new List<RemoteComputer>(ou.Computers.OrderByDescending(property));
sortOrder = !sortOrder;
<!-- Name Spaces
<!-- TreeView the ListView is bound to -->
<TreeView x:Name="ADTree" ItemsSource="{Binding ADRoot.Children}">
<!-- -->
<ListView x:Name="ADComputers" ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedItem.Computers, ElementName=ADTree, Mode=TwoWay}" SelectionMode="Multiple" ItemContainerStyle="{DynamicResource RemoteComputerItem}">
<GridViewColumn x:Name="Name" Width="120" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}">
<GridViewColumnHeader x:Name="SortName" Content="Computer Name">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<cal:ActionMessage MethodName="SortCol">
<!-- Trying to pass type here, but nested types are not supported. Don't know how else I can do this -->
<cal:Parameter Value="{x:Type models:RemoteComputer.Name}" />
<!-- Other Columns -->
Classes etc:
class ADTreeViewModel : OUModel
public OUModel ADRoot { get; set; } = new OUModel(null, false); // <<< TreeView is bound to this, and ListView is bound to TreeView.SelectedItem.Computers
class OUModel : PropertyChangedBase, ITreeViewItemViewModel
private List<RemoteComputer> computers = new List<RemoteComputer>();
public List<RemoteComputer> Computers { get { return computers; } set { computers = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(); } }
class RemoteComputer : PropertyChangedBase
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Name); }
// Shortening the other properties, but you get the idea...
public IPAddress IP { //etc }
public ComputerStatus Status { //etc }
public DateTime LastUpdated { //etc }
// and so on...