I have cluster of 7 nodes (6 solr + 1 zookeper) in my local system setup. My used configuration is solr 5.5.0 and zookeeper-3.4.8. Actually I am having a testing environment in local before moving to production environment. For that I have created 6 instances of solr as well as Zookeeper (1 instance of each on a laptop) and 1 instance of zookeeper especially on a laptop. Now when I test it in local using soap request My 1 node's tlog have unexceptional size at same time rest are fine.

what can be issue, how should I approach to rectify. I am not able to understand what is problem because my rest nodes are fine except one node.

Note:- Every machine(laptop) have same solrconfig.xml.

  • Please provide more information. How is cluster setup? Replication or Sharded? How are you indexing the documents?
    – raghu777
    Feb 10, 2020 at 11:53
  • Unexceptional is not a state of concern. Also, why not Solr 8 and why Solr 5.5?
    – aswath86
    Feb 10, 2020 at 14:03


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