Suppose you have a dataframe with variables named X1 - X30 and Y1 - Y30. Each of these variables holds integers 1 - 5. We wish to recode some of the variables starting with X like this:

df %<>%
   mutate_at(vars(starts_with("X") & 
                  ends_with("5", "8", "16", "22", "28")), 
             recode, "1" = 5, "2" = 4, "4" = 2, "5" = 1)

This will, however, return the following error:

Error in UseMethod("recode") : 
  no applicable method for 'recode' applied to an object of class "c('tbl_df', 'tbl', 'data.frame')"

This is because recode needs to take a vector as an argument. So what is the way to bypass this?


3 Answers 3


mutate_at is entirely designed to take functions that take vectors as an argument, like recode, that is not the issue. Your error is just because you don't use select helpers as logical calls chained with &, instead chain them using , within vars().

Also, if you want what you were aiming for, you would want to use matches to select only columns starting with X and ending with certain numbers.


df <- data.frame("X1" = sample(1:5, 10, TRUE),
                 "X2" = sample(1:5, 10, TRUE),
                 "X3" = sample(1:5, 10, TRUE)) 
#>    X1 X2 X3
#> 1   3  5  2
#> 2   3  3  1
#> 3   2  3  3
#> 4   2  1  4
#> 5   3  4  1
#> 6   5  1  3
#> 7   4  1  5
#> 8   1  5  4
#> 9   2  3  2
#> 10  3  2  5

df %>%
            recode, "1" = 5, "2" = 4, "3" = 3,"4" = 2, "5" = 1)
#>    X1 X2 X3
#> 1   3  1  2
#> 2   3  3  1
#> 3   4  3  3
#> 4   4  5  4
#> 5   3  2  1
#> 6   1  5  3
#> 7   2  5  5
#> 8   5  1  4
#> 9   4  3  2
#> 10  3  4  5
  • But won't the variable Y1 also be selected with your code, whereas I want to just select X1?
    – J. Doe
    Commented Feb 16, 2020 at 9:55
  • @J.Doe as long as it doesn't start with X than it doesn't
    – Annet
    Commented Feb 16, 2020 at 9:58
  • Yeah, just noticed, see above how to use matches to better select the columns with regex.
    – caldwellst
    Commented Feb 16, 2020 at 9:59
  • 2
    You can also skip the recode part by df %>% mutate_at(vars(matches("^X.*1|2$")), ~ abs(.-5)+1).
    – tmfmnk
    Commented Feb 16, 2020 at 10:25
  • Thanks! I would prefer a solution with no regex so I am going to wait and see if an answer without regex appears; if not, this will be accepted.
    – J. Doe
    Commented Feb 16, 2020 at 12:11

Adding a 2021 updated solution including the across function that supersedes the mutate_* functions as well as regex and tidy_select alternatives


(df <- data.frame("X1" = sample(1:5, 10, TRUE),
                 "X2" = sample(1:5, 10, TRUE),
                 "X3" = sample(1:5, 10, TRUE)))
#>    X1 X2 X3
#> 1   3  5  2
#> 2   3  3  1
#> 3   2  3  3
#> 4   2  1  4
#> 5   3  4  1
#> 6   5  1  3
#> 7   4  1  5
#> 8   1  5  4
#> 9   2  3  2
#> 10  3  2  5

with regex

df %>%
                recode, "1" = 5, "2" = 4, "3" = 3,"4" = 2, "5" = 1))

#>    X1 X2 X3
#> 1   3  1  2
#> 2   3  3  1
#> 3   4  3  3
#> 4   4  5  4
#> 5   3  2  1
#> 6   1  5  3
#> 7   2  5  5
#> 8   5  1  4
#> 9   4  3  2
#> 10  3  4  5

without regex

df %>%
  mutate(across((starts_with("X") & ends_with(as.character(1:2))),
                recode, "1" = 5, "2" = 4, "3" = 3,"4" = 2, "5" = 1))

    #>    X1 X2 X3
    #> 1   3  1  2
    #> 2   3  3  1
    #> 3   4  3  3
    #> 4   4  5  4
    #> 5   3  2  1
    #> 6   1  5  3
    #> 7   2  5  5
    #> 8   5  1  4
    #> 9   4  3  2
    #> 10  3  4  5

One option is to substring the colnames, and then do mutate_if:

df = data.frame(matrix(round(runif(60*4,min=1,max=5)),ncol=60))
colnames(df) = c(paste0("X",1:30),paste0("Y",1:30))

start_X = substr(colnames(df),1,1) == "X"
ends_w = substr(colnames(df),2,nchar(colnames(df))) %in% c("5", "8", "16", "22", "28")

df %>% 
mutate_if(start_X & ends_w,
recode, "1" = 5, "2" = 4, "4" = 2, "5" = 1) %>%

  X5 X8 X16 X22 X28
1  4  2   5   5   3
2  1  3   3   4   1
3  4  5   4   2   4
4  3  3   4   2   2

df %>% select(c("X5","X8","X16","X22","X28"))
  X5 X8 X16 X22 X28
1  2  4   1   1   3
2  5  3   3   2   5
3  2  1   2   4   2
4  3  3   2   4   4

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