I have a value of this type:

List[Either[Error, Files]]

and I have a function which checks if there are any errors like this:

  private def process(result: List[Either[Error, Files]]): Either[Error, List[Files]] = {
    if(result.exists(p => p.isLeft)){
      Left(Error("some downloads failed"))
        result.collect {
          case Right(value) => value



Is this the best way to return the List of files if there are no errors in result?

3 Answers 3


There's a cats libarary which has sequence extension method for doing such thing https://gist.github.com/gbersac/14114f8bf8d0b1c6ea455aacdee0fcd8.

  • 1
    @Mojo Note that sequence === traverse(id) so if you got your List[Either[Error, Files]] from a map you can data.traverse(f) instead of data.map(f).sequence Commented Feb 18, 2020 at 12:06

Here is a solution that uses partition:

private def process(result: List[Either[Error, Files]]): Either[Error, List[Files]] =
  result.partition(_.isLeft) match {
    case (Left(error)::_, _) =>
    case (_, r) =>
      Right(r.collect{ case Right(r) => r })

This recursive version is more efficient but perhaps less clear:

private def process(result: List[Either[Error, Files]]): Either[Error, List[Files]] = {
  def loop(rem: List[Either[Error, Files]], res: List[Files]): Either[Error, List[Files]] =
    rem match {
      case Left(error) :: _ =>
      case Right(file) :: tail =>
        loop(tail, file +: res)
      case _ =>

  loop(result, Nil)

You can use foldLeft in this case, to collect either all errors or all files. I don't know how Error looks like, but suppose it is simple case class with message string inside:

case class Error(message: String) {
  def append(message: Error): Error = copy(message = message + s"; ${message.message}")

def process(result: List[Either[Error, Files]]): Either[Error, List[Files]] = {
  val init: Either[Error, List[Files]] = Right(Nil)
  result.foldLeft(init) {
    case (Left(allErrors), Left(currentError)) => Left(allErrors.append(currentError))
    case (Left(allErrors), Right(_)) => Left(allErrors)
    case (Right(_), Left(currentError)) => Left(currentError)
    case (Right(allFiles), Right(currentFile)) => Right(currentFile :: allFiles)

Hope this helps!

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