Is there anyway to round up a double value?

I want result always rounded up.

int offSet = (totalRecords / 10).round();

4 Answers 4


It's ceil:

Returns the least integer no smaller than this.

int offSet = (totalRecords / 10).ceil();

try with

num.parse((totalRecords / 10).toStringAsFixed(3))

if you want 3 decimal

  • 1
    They want an int, not String.
    – bereal
    Commented Feb 18, 2020 at 14:19
  • 1
    There is no sense in needless string conversions for something which can be handled perfectly using numerical types and simple function calls.
    – nanofarad
    Commented Feb 19, 2020 at 4:15

Now you have something like you want. I choose sup to 5 to round up, you can change if you want

num offSet = (totalRecords / 10);
var eval = offSet.toStringAsFixed(1).split('.');
var res =
    int.parse(eval[1]) > 5 ? int.parse(eval[0]) + 1 : int.parse(eval[0]);

Here I'm rounding it to the next double or to next 0.5; Sample: If its 6.6 then rount to 7.0. If its 6.2, then round to 6.5. See code bellow:

String arredonde(String n) {
final List x = n.split('.'); //break in to a list
if (x.length > 1) { //if its 0, then its already a rounded number or integer
  int fstNmbr = int.parse(x[0]);
  final int lstNmbrs = int.parse(x[1]);
  if (lstNmbrs > 5) {
    fstNmbr = fstNmbr + 1;
    final String finalNumber = fstNmbr.toStringAsFixed(1);
    return finalNumber;
  } else {
    if (lstNmbrs != 0) {
      final double finalNumber = fstNmbr + 0.5;
      return finalNumber.toStringAsFixed(1);
    } else {
      return n;
} else {
  return n;

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