I'm following these instructions to set up PostgreSQL on my Mac. Step 3 says I need to click Initialize, however there's no such button. Instead, the error message "Binaries not found" is displayed and, if I click the similar Start button, the error message "The binaries for this PostgreSQL server were not found" is displayed. I just downloaded a clean version of Postres.app, so not sure why this wouldn't be working right out of the box.

How to resolve?

3 Answers 3


I found this answer by stromal on Postgres.app's GitHub:

I solved it by opening up the application's sliding windows, than clicked a new server with the plus icon, than that had initialization button, than clicked initialise than it worked.

enter image description here

The hidden sidebar slideout was tricky. This solution worked for me!


Postgres.app's troubleshooting and support page says the following:

To fix this issue, make sure that the correct binaries for your server are in


without telling you how to actually do that.

One way to do it is to download "Postgres.app with all currently supported PostgreSQL versions" from Postgres.app's download page and replace any other versions you have. The app will then open without the "Binaries not found" error, assuming that you are only using supported PostgreSQL versions.

  • 1
    Ugh- it seems like there's something they just need to update with that first Postgres 12 download link, but for the time being your solution did work for me too- thanks! Commented Mar 2, 2020 at 12:09
  1. Quit Postgres.app & drag it to the Trash
  2. Delete the data directory (default location: ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres)
  3. Delete preferences for Postgres.app by executing the following command: defaults delete com.postgresapp.Postgres2
  4. Remove the $PATH config for the command line tools (optional): sudo rm /etc/paths.d/postgresapp

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