I'm writing some unit tests using Pytest and came across two ways to parameterize test inputs. One is using parametereized fixtures and the other is using the pytest.mark.parametrize
The two examples I have are:
# method 1
def tokens():
yield from ["+", "*", "?"]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("token", tokens())
def test_stuff(token):
assert stuff
# method 2
@pytest.fixture(params=["+", "*", "?"])
def token(request):
return request.param
def test_stuff(token):
assert stuff
Both have different advantages and disadvantages from what I can tell:
Method 1
- Supports multiple parameters
- Supports lazy evaluation
- More boilerplate code when used for multiple test methods
- requires explicit parameter mapping for every method used, even if parameters are the same name
method 2
- Less Boiler Plate code
- Only allows single parameter to be passed to unit test
I'm still new to PyTest so maybe there is a way around the disadvantages that I listed above for each method but given those I have been having a hard time trying to decide which one to use. I would guess that the intended way to do what I am trying to do is to use @pytest.mark.parametrize
but when passing only a single parameter having less boilerplate code by using a fixture seems like a big advantage. Can anyone tell me a reason not to do it this way or is this a perfectly valid use case?