Given the following code

getExchangeRates(source: string, target: string, from: string = "", to: string = "") {
  return this.exchangeRateDataService.getExchangeRates({ source, target, from, to })
      map((response: HttpResponse<ExchangeRates>): ExchangeRates | undefined => {
          return response.body ? from(response.body) : of([]);

Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'String' has no compatible call signatures.

My issue is that I can't use the rxjs from method, because the from variable creates a naming conflict. Is there any alias available for the rxjs from() method? Is there any other way to solve this issue? (Modifying the interface is not an option, I can't change 'from' to 'fromDate')

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


If you can't change the name of the variable you could use the import as syntax to change the name of the method:

import { from as rxFrom } from 'rxjs';

then use it:

return response.body ? rxFrom(response.body) : of([]);

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