I want to write a few lines of text. They should be formatted normally except each line should start at the 6th column. I.e. I don't want the code block formatting rule to make this chunk of text look like code as I'll use other formatting like bold face, etc. How to do that in Markdown?

  • 12
    what about : ? Commented Jun 14, 2017 at 8:26
  • 9
    The use of : for definition lists is not universal in Markdown implementations, but if your Markdown variant supports it, this works perfectly. You should make this a real answer.
    – Alex Dupuy
    Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 21:09

24 Answers 24


There's no way to do that in markdown's native features. However markdown allows inline HTML, so writing

      This will appear with six space characters in front of it

will produce:

      This will appear with six space characters in front of it

If you have control over CSS on the page, you could also use a tag and style it, either inline or with CSS rules.

Either way, markdown is not meant as a tool for layout, it is meant to simplify the process of writing for the web, so if you find yourself stretching its feature set to do what you need, you might look at whether or not you're using the right tool here. Check out Gruber's docs:


  • 32
    It is possible to insert   (Unicode: \2002) into a Markdown file and they will not show up as   in the source - only when you render the file. Just workout the shortcut key on your OS to insert this character.
    – vaughan
    Commented Apr 13, 2013 at 13:01
  • 2
    Block quotes are a good way to do this (see @ChrisV's answer)
    – drevicko
    Commented Sep 19, 2014 at 1:37
  • 2
    &nbsp; (Unicode U+00A0) literal characters can be easily typed on macOS with <kbd>option</kbd>-<kbd>spacebar</kbd>. And code editors with good invisibles support (such as TextMate) will show normal spaces as a faint bullet and non-breaking-spaces as a bolder bullet (but still fainter than the text color). ← I think an editor with good invisibles viz is essential for Markdown, especially because of MD's two-spaces-at-end-of-line=<br/> syntax. Commented Jun 30, 2016 at 2:58
  • 9
    &ensp; is just great for simple and plain indentation. No style/font changes, just indentation 👍
    – Green
    Commented Jul 2, 2016 at 3:47
  • 23
    Wrapped lines in long text are not indented which you may not want in your layout. Resize your rendered view to test. Also, &emsp; is closer to tab.
    – dimmech
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 15:30

One way to do it is to use bullet points, which allows you specify multiple levels of indentation. Bullet points are inserted using multiples of two spaces, star, another space Eg.:

this is a normal line of text
  * this is the first level of bullet points, made up of <space><space>*<space>
    * this is more indented, composed of <space><space><space><space>*<space>

This method has the great advantage that it also makes sense when you view the raw text.

If you care about not seeing the bullet points themselves, you should (depending on where you're using markdown) to be able to add li {list-style-type: none;} to the css for the whole mark down area.

  • 14
    Nice trick, but I only want to disable the visible bullets for a part of a Markdown (and its resultant HTML) but not whole. Is there a clean way to do that?
    – Meng Lu
    Commented Apr 4, 2014 at 6:26
  • 1
    @MengLu I have the same requirement. Did you figure this one out at all? Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 4:58
  • 5
    Remember that markdown can accept HTML - it is part of the spec. So for a particular list there is nothing to stop you using HTML to solve this problem. Just remember that you can have HTML in markdown, but not Markdown in your HTML fragments. <ul> <li style="list-style-type: none;">Your indented content which must be all HTML</li> </ul> Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 7:09
  • 3
    This seems much better than the accepted answer to me. It gives you more fine-grained control over your indented text, not to mention being more readable and easier to maintain
    – Arepo
    Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 17:01
  • 4
    Upvoted. Note, however, that if using your markdown on GitHub, such as in a README, GitHub blocks all custom CSS, as I and others have documented in various places, including myself in my answer here: GitHub README.md center image. Commented Mar 29, 2021 at 6:25

See if this ">" helps:

Line 1
> line 2 
>> line 3
  • 1
    that's the sweet ticket in jupyter notebooks using latex markup
    – vwvan
    Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 20:55
  • 31
    See comment above: "Wrong. Blockquotes (>) are for creating a quotes, not a plain indentation. It is totally different in styles" Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 15:58
  • 2
    This sets the text as "quotes" the idea is to indent the text.
    – Scarl
    Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 11:17
  • > >(with space between) works with pandoc (v2.11.0.4) to intend a text block in pdf. Although it is originally designed for quotes.
    – arash
    Commented Feb 18, 2021 at 9:52
  • simple but it works in some way.
    – gia huy
    Commented Apr 14, 2022 at 7:51

Please use hard (non-breaking) spaces

Why use another markup language? (I Agree with @c z above).
One goal of Markdown is to make the documents readable even in a plain text editor.

Same result two approaches

The code

Sample code
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5th position in an really ugly code  
    5th position in a clear an readable code  
    Again using non-breaking spaces :)

The result

Sample code
    5th position in an really ugly code
    5th position in a clear an readable code
    Again using non-breaking spaces :)

The visual representation of a non-breaking space (or hard space) is usually a normal space " ", however, its Unicode representation is U+00A0.
The Unicode representation of the ordinary space is U+0020 (32 in the ASCII Table).
Thus, text processors may behave differently while the visual representation remains the same.

Insert a hard space

| OS        | Input method                      |
|-----------| ----------------------------------|
| macOS     | OPTION+SPACE (ALT+SPACE)          |
| Linux     | Compose Space Space or AltGr+Space|
| Windows   | Alt+0+1+6+0                       |

Some text editor use Ctrl+Shift+Space.


Some text editors can convert hard spaces to common spaces in copying and pasting operations, so be careful.

  • OPTION+SPACE activated spotlight search
    – wander95
    Commented Jan 18, 2019 at 19:02
  • 1
    Cannot be, only if you have changed the defaults shortcuts. Spotlight search field triggers with COMMAND-SPACE (the COMMAND key is the analog to the Windows Key). The non-breaking space is introduced with OPTION-SPACE (Option is the analog to ALT)
    – ePi272314
    Commented Jan 19, 2019 at 20:52
  • 2
    On my Mac, I have a shortcut on Option + Space myself, but Shift + Option + Space works well instead. Commented Sep 18, 2019 at 11:27
  • 5
    Line wraps with long sentences look ugly with this. Commented Jan 10, 2020 at 20:29
  • 1
    Personally, I agree with the Why use another markup language? concept. Most people assume that their Markdown is going to be rendered in HTML. While this is true in many cases, it's not universally true. More and more non-HTML applications are now able to render Markdown (at least, some of it). The less one relies on HTML tricks and more on the markup language by itself, the more likely your page will be universally rendered. Imagine that eBooks with digital ink (and no web browser) may be rendering Markdown in the near future; much easier to parse and display... Commented Nov 21, 2021 at 23:08

This is an old thread, but I would have thought markdown's blockquotes ('> ') would be best for this:

  • 26
    This is a good solution if you don't need to indent a specified amount, and you don't care about getting a different background color or other styles that might go along with blockquotes. Ultimately, blockquotes have a semantic purpose and they're best if you in fact want to set something off as a quote.
    – alegscogs
    Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 22:53
  • 42
    Wrong. Blockquotes (>) are for creating a quotes, not a plain indentation. It is totally different in styles.
    – Green
    Commented Jul 2, 2016 at 3:46

One of the problems with starting your line with non-breaking spaces is that if your line is long enough to wrap, then when it spills onto a second line the first character of the overflow line will start hard left instead of starting under the first character of the line above it.

If your system allows you to mix HTML in with your markdown, a cheap and cheerful way of getting an indent is like this:

My indented text goes here, and it can be long and wrap if you like.
And you can have multiple lines if you want.

Semantically within your HTML it is nonsense (a UL section without any LI items), but all browsers I have used just happily indent what's between those tags.

  • 2
    This is exactly the same as a quote > but without being a quote (tested in Github). This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
    – Emilio
    Commented Dec 1, 2021 at 9:49
  • I like this trick as it's much cleaner than putting a bunch of &nbsp;. But is there any way to not have the bullet on the first indented line?
    – tzg
    Commented Feb 27, 2023 at 15:55
  • @tzg Depends on your markdown interpreter, I guess. On all the ones I've used (inc Azure Devops and Github), lines only get a bullet if they start with your 'this is an unordered list item' marker, e.g. in Github wiki, if your line starts with -, *, or + — no start-of-list-line marker, no bullet. YMMV.
    – Jinlye
    Commented Feb 27, 2023 at 17:12
  • I'm using vscode and putting my README.md file on bitbucket. I'm limited on my html and css tags I can use because of bitbucket.
    – tzg
    Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 16:26
  • This works great. Hard-coding with &nbsp is just such a fault-laden option I can't believe people are suggesting it.
    – eric
    Commented Jul 17, 2023 at 13:38

do tab, then the + sign, then space, then your content


* level one + level two tabbed

  • 5
    github/bitbucket markdown supports a similar indentation rule, without the +: [tab][space]your-text-goes-here
    – roblogic
    Commented May 11, 2018 at 3:06

I would use &emsp; is a lot cleaner in my opinion.


What about place a determined space in the start of paragraph using the math environment of 1em space as like:

$\quad$ My line of text ...

This works for me and hope work for you too.


As pointed out by @AlexDupuy in the comments, definition lists can be used for this.

This is not supported by all markdown processors, but is widely available: Markdown Guide - Definition Lists

Term 1
: definition 1
: definition 2

Term 2
: definition 1
: definition 2

Renders as (html):

    <dt>Term 1</dt>
    <dd>definition 1</dd>
    <dd>definition 2</dd>
    <dt>Term 2</dt>
    <dd>definition 1</dd>
    <dd>definition 2</dd>

Typically the DT is rendered in a heading-like format, and each DD is rendered as indented text beneath this.

If you don't want a heading/term, just use a non-breaking space in place of the definition term:

: This is the text that I want indented.  All text on the same line as the preceding colon will be included in this definition.
: If you include a second definition you'll get a new line; potentially separated by a space. <br />Some inline HTML may be supported within this too, allowing you to create new lines without spaces.
: Support for other markdown syntax varies; e.g. we can add a bullet list, but each one's wrapped in a separate definition term, so the spacing may be out.
: - item 1
: - item 2
: - item 3

You can see this in action by copy-pasting the above examples to this site: Stack Edit Markdown Editor

Screenshot of DL rendering in Stack Edit

  • 1
    Does not work in Github markdown.
    – mwilcox
    Commented Oct 25, 2023 at 14:53
  • This is extended markdown; unfortunately not inststalled in my jupyter lab. Commented Apr 23 at 15:51

Suprisingly nobody came up with the idea of just using a div with padding yet, so here you go:

<div style="padding-left: 30px;">
My text
  • 8
    Probably because one you wrap it in a div, the default markdown capabilities like backticks and asterisk stops working inside the div.
    – joseph
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 7:04
  • 1
    With Mdocs it is possible to allow markdown inside the div by setting <div style="padding-left: 30px;" markdown="1"> Commented Apr 22, 2021 at 10:17

If you really must use tabs, and you don't mind the grey background-color and padding, <pre> tags might work (if supported):

This        That        And             This
That        This        And             That    
This        That        And             This
That        This        And             That    

Check if you can use HTML with your markdown. Maybe this works out for you:

  • List entry one<br/>
    Indented line<br/>
    And some more..
  • Second entry
    • Subentry<br/>
      Hello there!
  • 8
    To do that you just need to end the line with two spaces.
    – Pietro
    Commented May 18, 2017 at 16:44

For quoted/indented paragraphs this hack might work (depending on render engine):

| | | |
|  | _"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."_ | |

which renders as:

enter image description here


As a workaround I would suggest inserting a vertical bar (|) followed by hard spaces (Alt-Code on Windows: Alt+0160). This preserves the indent after the bar resulting in a visually acceptable solution for raw and rendered Markdown.

This is a normal line of text.
|    This is an indented line of text.
|        This is another indented line of text.

Use a no-break space directly   (not the same as !).

(You could insert HTML or some esoteric markdown code, but I can think of better reasons to break compatibility with standard markdown.)


If LaTeX formulas are supported (like in GitHub), you can conveniently indent lines by any offset, by using commands like:


where <skip> indicates the length of the indentation space, and can be expressed in millimeres (mm), centimeters (cm), or any supported format (you can find a list here).

For instance, this code:

Indented lines:
$\hspace{5pt}$ This line is indented 5 points.
$\hspace{5mm}$ This line is indented 5 millimeters.
$\hspace{2cm}$ This line is indented 2 centimeters.

will produce this output: md-indentation


To answer MengLu and @lifebalance's questions in response to SColvin's answer (which I much prefer to the accepted answer for the control it provides), it seems as though you could just target a parent element of the lists when setting the display to none, adding a surrounding element if necessary. So if we suppose we're doing this for a table of contents, we can extend SColvin's answer:


<nav class="table-of-contents">
  this is a normal line of text
  * this is the first level of bullet points, made up of <space><space>*<space>
    * this is more indented, composed of <space><space><space><space>*<space>


.table-of-contents ul {
  list-style-type: none;

For completeness, the deeper bulleted lists:

Nested deeper levels: ---- leave here an empty row * first level A item - no space in front the bullet character * second level Aa item - 1 space is enough * third level Aaa item - 5 spaces min * second level Ab item - 4 spaces possible too * first level B item

Nested deeper levels:

  • first level A item - no space in front the bullet character
    • second level Aa item - 1 space is enough
      • third level Aaa item - 5 spaces min
    • second level Ab item - 4 spaces possible too
  • first level B item

    Nested deeper levels:
     ...Skip a line and indent eight spaces. (as said in the editor-help, just on this page)
    * first level A item - no space in front the bullet character
     * second level Aa item - 1 space is enough
         * third level Aaa item - 5 spaces min
        * second level Ab item - 4 spaces possible too
    * first level B item
            And there
            could be even more
            such octets of spaces.

Another alternative is to use a markdown editor like StackEdit. It converts html (or text) into markdown in a WYSIWYG editor. You can create indents, titles, lists in the editor, and it will show you the corresponding text in markdown format. You can then save, publish, share, or download the file. You can access it on their website - no downloads required!


Okay, with a little HTML in your R code, I did the following code to generate pure text in R Markdown. The <h3 style="text-indent: 15em;"> indents the text 15 spaces. For the original question, change the 15 to 6.

## Option: Du Pont Ratio Concept - (ROE Decomposition)
### (Closed Quotes/Total Premium) = (Closed Quotes/Quotes Issued) X <br>
<h3 style="text-indent: 15em;">
 (Quotes Issued/Renewal Premium) X <br></h3>
<h3 style="text-indent: 15em;">
 (Renewal Premium/Total Premium)</h3>

So the resulting code gives my desired output format. I am using tabs for the Markdown document and was looking to line up the () text which worked.

r output


If you're working with bullet points, try this:

      <li>Black tea</li>
      <li>Green tea</li>

This is the method I use when styling markdown.


On gitlab.com a single en space (U+2002) followed by a single em space (U+2003) works decently.

Presumably other repetitions or combinations of not-exactly-accounted-for space characters would also suffice.


Because it allows inline html, here is how I did it:

<div style="margin: 3px 0 0 20px;">Your Text Here</div>


enter image description here

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