When I add krypton items to my form, they appear over the top of the others, how can I make it so that I can put something behind the other items?

2 Answers 2


Assuming you're using the Winform designer, you can right click a control and select 'Bring to Front' or 'Send to Back' from the context menu to change the control's 'z-order.'

  • Sorry, it wouldn't let me select it when he answered.
    – Levi H
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 17:54

The order of control appearing inside their parrent container is controlled by Z-Index.

Right click control in the designer. Select "Bring ro front" from the context menu.

If you doing it programmtiacly. All control in winforms environment have two methods : BringToFront() and SendToBack(). You can call it to setup z-index of controls.

If you want to specify Z-Index explicitly you may use this workaround:

public static class ControlExtension

    public static void SetControlZIndex(this Control ctrl, int z)
       ctrl.Parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(ctrl, z);



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