I'm experiencing some problems using karate testing when uploading a file through a web interface using a Selenium grid cluster (Zalenium) and Jenkins:

  1. find an easy way for getting the full path of the file to be able to send it to the input web element with:


    I solved this using a custom java method to reconstruct it but for sure there's a faster/more elegant way. Is there a specific Karate function/way for get it?

  2. find a way to set up the remote webdriver to handle the local files as it seems that it searches the file to upload in the wrong place.

    In Java I solved it using setFileDetector of RemoteWebDriver with LocalFileDetector (an example is shown below) but I don't know how to do it in Karate:

    RemoteWebDriver rwd = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(gridUrl), DesiredCapabilities.firefox());
    rwd.setFileDetector(new LocalFileDetector());

1 Answer 1


This may need investigation, to be honest we haven't worked on file-uploads to that extent, so we may need your help. For point 1, a custom Java method sounds good to me but you can suggest a new API and we can add it to Karate in the next version, maybe karate.toAbsolutePath('classpath:some/file.txt')

Any reference you can point us to for the FileDetector will help - it would be great if you can contribute code. At the very least, please consider submitting a sample in this form: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/develop/examples/ui-test

  • 1
    I'll try to make some example in ui-test. I think that anyway, even if the usage of absolute path is discouraged, that method could be useful in particular situation like the one I mentioned. Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 8:51

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