I'm a bit new to Python Classes. I worked with python but not extensively with classes. So here is what I'm trying to do, is to read a JSON and convert the elements and nodes to a class and object, so I call functions to get values from the JSON.

  "datamap": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "sourceProvider": "example_provider",
    "logicalTables": [
        "name": "region_table_one",
        "physicalTable": "dbo_parent_user", 
        "logicalColumns": [
            "name": "UID",
            "physicalColumnName": "uid_number",
            "displayName": "U Number",
            "logicalDataType": "integer",
            "inputType": {
              "inputAction": "number",
              "multiSelect": false
            "name": "UID1",
            "physicalColumnName": "uid_number1",
            "displayName": "U Number1",
            "logicalDataType": "integer",
            "inputType": {
              "inputAction": "number",
              "multiSelect": false
        "name": "region_table_two",
        "physicalTable": "dbo_user_two", 
        "logicalColumns": [
            "name": "UID2",
            "physicalColumnName": "uid_number2",
            "displayName": "U Number2",
            "logicalDataType": "integer",
            "inputType": {
              "inputAction": "number",
              "multiSelect": false
            "name": "UID3",
            "physicalColumnName": "uid_number3",
            "displayName": "U Number3",
            "logicalDataType": "integer",
            "inputType": {
              "inputAction": "number",
              "multiSelect": false

The Python Class I wrote:

import json

class DataMap(object):
    def __init__(self):
        with open('datamap.json') as f:
            self.__dict__ = json.load(f)

    def get_logical_table(self, tableName):
        if self.datamap['logicalTables']['name'] == tableName:
            return datamap['logicalTables']['name']

obj = DataMap()

  • What I'm trying to do is if I call get_logical_table I should be able to get region_table_one and region_table_two.
  • is there any way that if I pass get_logical_table output to get the logicalColumns inside that JSON object.

I'm referencing:
- https://thepythonguru.com/reading-and-writing-json-in-python/ - Deserialize a json string to an object in python To some extent, but stuck with reading notes to a class. Thanks for the help in advance.


import json

class DataMap(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.logical_tables = None
        with open('datamap.json') as f:
            self.__dict__ = json.load(f)
        self.data_map = self.__dict__['datamap']

    def get_map_id(self):
        return self.data_map['mapId']

    def get_version(self):
        return self.data_map['version']

    def get_region(self):
        return self.data_map['region']

    def get_source_provider(self):
        return self.data_map['sourceProvider']

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.data_map[key]

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.data_map)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__dict__['datamap'])

    def copy(self):
        return self.data_map.copy()

    def has_key(self, k):
        return k in self.data_map

    def keys(self):
        return self.data_map.keys()

    def values(self):
        return self.data_map.values()

    def items(self):
        return self.data_map.items()

    def pop(self, *args):
        return self.data_map.pop(*args)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.data_map

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.data_map)

class LogicalTables(DataMap):
    def __init__(self):
        self.logical_tables = self.data_map['logicalTables']

        logical_table = None
        for table in self.get_all_logical_tables():
            self.name = table.get("name")

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data_map['logicalTables'])

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.logical_tables)

    def createName(self):
        self.name = "Temporary Value"

    def has_key(self, k, table_name=None):
        """Check if the dict has given key"""
        logical_table = self.get_logical_table(table_name)
        return k in logical_table

    def get_all_logical_tables(self, tableName=None):
        return self.data_map['logicalTables']

    def get_logical_table(self, table_name=None):
        logical_table = None
        for table in self.get_all_logical_tables():
            if table.get("name") == table_name:
                logical_table = table
        return logical_table

    def get_logical_table_list(self, table_name=None):
        table_list = []
        for table in self.get_all_logical_tables():
        return table_list

class LogicalColumns(LogicalTables):
    def __init__(self):
        self.logical_columns = self.logical_tables['logicalColumns']

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.logical_columns['logicalColumns'])

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.logical_columns)

I have updated and this is my current class.

1 Answer 1


logicalTables in your json input is actually a list, not a dict, so you doing ['logicalTables']['name'] won't work.

You need to change get_logical_table to something like this:

    def get_logical_table(self, tableName):
        for table in self.datamap['logicalTables']:
            if table['name'] == tableName:
                return table['logicalColumns']

Instead of iterating through lists, it would be better to transform your dict so you could directly access any logicalTable with its name (if they are unique).


You can transform the dict like so:

tables = {}
for table in self.datamap['logicalTables']:
    name = table['name']
    del table['name']
    tables[name] = table

self.datamap['logicalTables'] = tables

# Use like so:
table_one = self.datamap['logicalTables']['region_table_one']
  • How can i transform to dict any examples available online? @Gordon
    – DonOfDen
    Mar 15, 2020 at 10:21
  • I have made some modifications so far.
    – DonOfDen
    Mar 15, 2020 at 10:24
  • I would want self.datamap['logicalTables'] to be a dict, with the keys being the name of each logicalTables item, and the value being the table (probably without the name item, as it's unnecessary). Again, the names must be unique for this to work. Mar 15, 2020 at 10:33
  • Yes, we can modify the datamap, as I'm defining it myself. they keys will be unique always.
    – DonOfDen
    Mar 15, 2020 at 10:35
  • 1
    I've updated my answer to show you how to transform the dict. Obviously it's up to you exactly how you change it, if at all. Mar 15, 2020 at 10:41

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