Let suppose there are three columns in my DataTable
If I know the code and name, how can I update the color of that specific row whose code and name match my criteria? I want to do this without using Loops!
Let suppose there are three columns in my DataTable
If I know the code and name, how can I update the color of that specific row whose code and name match my criteria? I want to do this without using Loops!
You can use LINQ:
DataRow dr = datatable.AsEnumerable().Where(r => ((string)r["code"]).Equals(someCode) && ((string)r["name"]).Equals(someName)).First();
dr["color"] = someColor;
Of course I'm assuming all those criteria are strings. You should change the casts to the correct types.
using System.Linq
, but Where()
shouldn't be working either if that wasn't being referenced. By "reflect the changes" do you mean seeing them on the screen? You'll need to re-bind the DataTable to whatever you're using to display it.
// Use the Select method to find all rows matching the name and code.
DataRow[] rows = myDataTable.Select("name 'nameValue' AND code = 'codeValue');
for(int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i ++)
rows[i]["color"] = colorValue;
DataTable recTable = new DataTable();
// do stuff to populate table
recTable.Select(string.Format("[code] = '{0}' and [name] = '{1}'", someCode, someName)).ToList<DataRow>().ForEach(r => r["Color"] = colorValue);
With LINQ:
var dataRows = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(c => { c["color"] = c["Code"].ToString() == "1" ? "Red" : "White"; return c; });
dt = dataRows.CopyToDataTable();
You could do:
foreach (DataRow row in datatable.Rows)
if(row["code"].ToString() == someCode && row["name"].ToString() == someName)
row["color"] = someColor;