I'm trying to check if the filespaths written in a txt file (of user jane) are present in the system. This is the file list.txt:
001 jane /data/jane_profile_07272018.doc
002 kwood /data/kwood_profile_04022017.doc
003 pchow /data/pchow_profile_05152019.doc
004 janez /data/janez_profile_11042019.doc
005 jane /data/jane_pic_07282018.jpg
006 kwood /data/kwood_pic_04032017.jpg
007 pchow /data/pchow_pic_05162019.jpg
008 jane /data/jane_contact_07292018.csv
009 kwood /data/kwood_contact_04042017.csv
010 pchow /data/pchow_contact_05172019.csv
This is the script I wrote:
file=$(grep ' jane ' ../data/list.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
for i in $file
if (test -e $i); then echo "File exists"; else echo "File doesn't exist"; fi
I don't understand why the command
test -e ~/data/jane_profile_07272018.doc
is true, but when I write it like in the script above it returns false. Is it related to the way i'm adding the ~? Without it the command by itself returns false.
only works from the bash command-line. Try $HOME instead?~
will work in scripts, but not if it's in quotes (as it is here). So tryi="${HOME}${i}"