i need to get the grid of few products or card.html for a single product. I tried to use below two codes, but grid is coming blank and card doesn't getting product details inside it. Can you please help me here?

window.stencilUtils.api.product.getById(177, { template: 'products/card' }, (err, response) => {
window.stencilUtils.api.product.getById(177, { template: 'products/grid' }, (err, response) => {

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


This could be approached with the {{#each}} Handlebars Helper as seen in the grid.html template: https://github.com/bigcommerce/cornerstone/blob/master/templates/components/products/grid.html

Consider the context of the grid.html template, it is called through product-listing.html which could have a different context than where this script is being called. The Product Card Model can be found on the Dev Center here as well: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/stencil-docs/reference-docs/common-objects#common-product-card-model

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