We know how to count the number of lines in a variable. However, as noted in comments and answers there, the semantics are quirky when it comes to empty variables, as an empty variable is usually counted the same as a non-empty, no-newline variable:

$ echo -n "" | wc -l
$ echo -n "foo" | wc -l
$ echo "" | wc -l
$ echo "foo" | wc -l

not so good, if you want to count the number of results some other command returned.

Now, a partial workaround is suggested in one of the answers to that question:

printf "%s" "$a" | grep -c "^"

but that's not exactly what I'm after either, since it counts a non-empty variable whose value is a newline as having 0 lines.

My question: Other than counting "regularly" and then explicitly checking for the case of emptiness, is there a decent way to obtain such a count in bash?

  • "It counts a non-empty variable holding a newline as having 0 lines" – does it? This printf "%s" $'x\n' | grep -c "^" returns 1 for me. Mar 31, 2020 at 15:48
  • @BenjaminW.: I meant holding just a newline with nothing else.
    – einpoklum
    Mar 31, 2020 at 16:01
  • Do you want to count empty lines after the first one? What should be the result of printf "a\n\n\n\nb\n" | countcommand and data not ending with a newline: printf "a\nb" or printf "a\n" ?
    – Walter A
    Apr 1, 2020 at 8:31
  • 1
    @WalterA: Pretend that it's some shell utility the produces that output. Those typically finish things off with a newline for the prompt to be on line start. So, a\n\n\n\nb\n should give 5, I think; the last empty line, without the \n, will not be counted. a\nb - two lines but it's input I'm less likely to get. a\n - one line. Also, see edit.
    – einpoklum
    Apr 1, 2020 at 8:54

2 Answers 2


awk to the rescue:

$ echo -n "foo" | awk 'END {print NR}'
$ echo -n "" | awk 'END {print NR}'
  • 1
    Looks like the most robust solution, even if awk is a bit of a large hammer.
    – einpoklum
    Apr 1, 2020 at 8:58

The following will count the number of newlines:

printf %s "$var" | tr -d -c '\n' | wc -c

It will work in all instances except when the last line is missing a newline.

You can test separately if a variable is empty like this:

test -z "$var" && echo "var is empty"

test -n "$var" && echo "var is not empty"

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