I need to implement next UI element:
- Unknown size list of strings
- Any item should be wrap content.
- If an item is not fitted to row, he will be in the next row.
- All list/grid is centered
You can use FlowRow
from accompanist-flowlayout to implement this. It renders its children horizontally (like Row
) but also wraps them by moving to the new line if they don't fit in the existing line. It also allows to configure horizontal and vertical spacing between items.
To nicely handle very long strings (that will not fit into single line themselves) you can set overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis
and maxLines = 1
on Text
fun HashTagList(hashTags: List<String>) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.Center,
mainAxisSize = SizeMode.Expand,
crossAxisSpacing = 12.dp,
mainAxisSpacing = 8.dp
) {
hashTags.forEach { hashTag ->
text = hashTag,
modifier = Modifier
color = colorForHashTag(hashTag),
shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp)
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
maxLines = 1
Update: For a ready to use solution take a look at Jetpack Compose Flow Layouts from Accompanist library. For a custom solution see the answer below.
Since Compose version 1.0.0-alpha10 FlowRow and FlowColumn are deprecated. I hope there will be some build-in solution in the future, but now you can use a custom layout as suggested by the deprecation note. Here's an example:
fun TagRow(tags: Collection<String>) {
verticalGap = 8.dp,
horizontalGap = 8.dp,
alignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)
) {
for (tag in tags) {
text = "#$tag",
maxLines = 1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.LightGray, RoundedCornerShape(4.dp))
fun SimpleFlowRow(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
alignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Start,
verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) = Layout(content, modifier) { measurables, constraints ->
val hGapPx = horizontalGap.roundToPx()
val vGapPx = verticalGap.roundToPx()
val rows = mutableListOf<MeasuredRow>()
val itemConstraints = constraints.copy(minWidth = 0)
for (measurable in measurables) {
val lastRow = rows.lastOrNull()
val placeable = measurable.measure(itemConstraints)
if (lastRow != null && lastRow.width + hGapPx + placeable.width <= constraints.maxWidth) {
lastRow.width += hGapPx + placeable.width
lastRow.height = max(lastRow.height, placeable.height)
} else {
val nextRow = MeasuredRow(
items = mutableListOf(placeable),
width = placeable.width,
height = placeable.height
val width = rows.maxOfOrNull { row -> row.width } ?: 0
val height = rows.sumBy { row -> row.height } + max(vGapPx.times(rows.size - 1), 0)
val coercedWidth = width.coerceIn(constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth)
val coercedHeight = height.coerceIn(constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)
layout(coercedWidth, coercedHeight) {
var y = 0
for (row in rows) {
var x = when(alignment) {
Alignment.Start -> 0
Alignment.CenterHorizontally -> (coercedWidth - row.width) / 2
Alignment.End -> coercedWidth - row.width
else -> throw Exception("unsupported alignment")
for (item in row.items) {
item.place(x, y)
x += item.width + hGapPx
y += row.height + vGapPx
private data class MeasuredRow(
val items: MutableList<Placeable>,
var width: Int,
var height: Int
You can find the full sample code here on GitHub.
Flow layouts in accompanist are what you're looking for
You can find the documentation here: https://google.github.io/accompanist/flowlayout/
Specifically, the FlowRow
will allow you to achieve what you want in your example
For those looking for an implementation also accepting Alignment.Vertical
to control alignment of items with smaller height, here is a modified version of Valeriy's answer:
fun FlowRow(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
alignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Start,
verticalAlignment: Alignment.Vertical = Alignment.CenterVertically,
verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) = Layout(content, modifier) { measurables, constraints ->
val hGapPx = horizontalGap.roundToPx()
val vGapPx = verticalGap.roundToPx()
val rows = mutableListOf<MeasuredRow>()
val itemConstraints = constraints.copy(minWidth = 0)
for (measurable in measurables) {
val lastRow = rows.lastOrNull()
val placeable = measurable.measure(itemConstraints)
if (lastRow != null && lastRow.width + hGapPx + placeable.width <= constraints.maxWidth) {
lastRow.width += hGapPx + placeable.width
lastRow.height = max(lastRow.height, placeable.height)
} else {
val nextRow = MeasuredRow(
items = mutableListOf(placeable),
width = placeable.width,
height = placeable.height
val width = rows.maxOfOrNull { row -> row.width } ?: 0
val height = rows.sumBy { row -> row.height } + max(vGapPx.times(rows.size - 1), 0)
val coercedWidth = width.coerceIn(constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth)
val coercedHeight = height.coerceIn(constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)
layout(coercedWidth, coercedHeight) {
var y = 0
for (row in rows) {
var x = when(alignment) {
Alignment.Start -> 0
Alignment.CenterHorizontally -> (coercedWidth - row.width) / 2
Alignment.End -> coercedWidth - row.width
else -> throw Exception("unsupported alignment")
for (item in row.items) {
var localY = 0
if (item.height < row.height) {
localY = when (verticalAlignment) {
Alignment.Start -> y
Alignment.CenterVertically -> y + ((row.height + vGapPx) / 2 - item.height / 2)
Alignment.End -> y + row.height
else -> throw Exception("unsupported alignment")
} else localY = y
item.place(x, localY)
x += item.width + hGapPx
y += row.height + vGapPx
private data class MeasuredRow(
val items: MutableList<Placeable>,
var width: Int,
var height: Int
you can use LazyVerticalGrid and use grid cells to choose how to display the children items. more on https://alexzh.com/jetpack-compose-building-grids/ .
val data = listOf("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5")
cells = GridCells.Fixed(3),
contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp)
) {
items(data) { item ->
modifier = Modifier.padding(4.dp),
backgroundColor = Color.LightGray
) {
text = item,
fontSize = 24.sp,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.padding(24.dp)
this is an experimental feature but it works fine and be careful with imports for items.