I am a beginner with Flask, Psycopg2, and Python and I have this little problem, I have created an input() variable that reads users' answer and I want that answer to be put into my databases tables specific column.

print('Are the eyes Open or Closed?: ')
estate1 = input()

def update_Eyes(self):
update_command = ("UPDATE Eyes SET cstate=%s Where id=1", (estate1,))
print("Eye table update successful ")

database_connection = DatabaseConnection()

If I try to add any values myself, it works just fine but I can't seem to find a solution to adding a variable.

The error code looks like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/AJ/Desktop/Data Processing/Flask/first.py", line 136, in <module>
database_connection.update_Eyes()  # Updates Table Eyes
File "C:/Users/AJ/Desktop/Data Processing/Flask/first.py", line 98, in update_Eyes
TypeError: argument 1 must be a string or unicode object: got tuple instead

2 Answers 2


When you're compiling your command into update_command you are storing this as a Tuple:

estate1 = 'test'
update_command = ("UPDATE Eyes SET cstate=%s Where id=1", (estate1,))

<type 'tuple'>

The error is saying that its expecting a String. So, change update_command to:

update_command = "UPDATE Eyes SET cstate = '{0}' Where id=1".format(estate1)

After the change, you'll see something like this:

update_command = "UPDATE Eyes SET cstate = '{0}' Where id=1".format(estate1)
<type 'str'>

If you're worried about SQL Injection, you can visit this explanation of how to handle user input correctly.

  • @Abelisto, Sure mate, have updated the answer with a link to escaping characters correctly.
    – ditrapanij
    Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 11:19

That is a perfect solution

update_command = "UPDATE Eyes SET cstate = '{0}' Where id=1".format(estate1)

I just had to add extra quotation marks around '{0}' to make it read strings and it works perfectly fine. Thank you so much. :)

  • What if the estate1 value contains the quotation character? "foo '{0}'".format("a'b") Or, moreover, somebody enters something like a' ; drop table Eyes; commit;? (It is called "SQL injection", search for this term)
    – Abelisto
    Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 11:08
  • This user input should be a sensor in an autonomous vehicle, no data regarding the customer would be placed there. It is only to prevent the driver from falling asleep or just monitoring. but that is a good point I will definitely look into that! :) Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 11:18
  • In any case self.cursor.execute("UPDATE Eyes SET cstate=%s Where id=1", (estate1,)) is simpler and safer. Good luck!
    – Abelisto
    Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 11:23

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