I have the following type in F#:

type CodeNameError(CodeNameCombination: (Code*Name)[]) =
member this.CodeNameCombinations = CodeNameCombination

Is there a way to turn the (Code*Name)[] into a named tuple array in F#? In c# I would do something like:

public CodeNameError((Code code, Name name)[] codeName)
    CodeNameCombination = codeName

1 Answer 1


F# does not have named tuples in the same way in which C# has them, but there are a couple of alternatives. My preferred option would actually be to just define a new record type for the Code * Name pair. If you get into a situation where you want to name things, a record is a good choice and it takes 1 line of code:

type NamedCode = { Name:Name; Code:Code }

type CodeNameError(codeNameCombination:NamedCode[]) =
  member this.CodeNameCombinations = codeNameCombination

CodeNameError [| { Code = "1+1"; Name = "test" } |]

If you do not want to define a type (but I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to do this), you could use anonymous records:

type CodeNameError(CodeNameCombination: {| code:Code; name:Name |}[]) =
  member this.CodeNameCombinations = CodeNameCombination

CodeNameError [| {| code = "1+1"; name = "test" |} |]
  • 2
    I had been passing a named tuple from c# into an F# type which took a tuple. The output at the end looked a little wonky. Thanks for the info.
    – Rolan
    Apr 17, 2020 at 21:32

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