
I am in the early stages of learning c# and am currently "fixing" a project (as an exercise).

I've come across this code but I can't make sense of it.

List<CartLine> cartList = Lines as List<CartLine>;

Up to now my usage of Lists has been pretty standard

List<T> newList = new List<T>

And similar constructions.

I'm mostly hung up on where "new" keyword went and what "as" is really doing here. Is there another way of writing the above code that I may be more familiar with (to wrap my head around)?

FYI "CartLine" is a class:

        public int OrderLineId { get; set; }
        public Product Product { get; set; }
        public int Quantity { get; set; }

and Lines is linked by the IEnumerable

public IEnumerable<CartLine> Lines => GetCartLineList();

Sorry if this is a bit obvious for many of you. I read up on the MS Documentation of AS, but still a bit lost and i can't get great search results regarding its usage.

  • 2
    Does this answer your question? When should you use the as keyword in C# Apr 18, 2020 at 13:55
  • Lines is declared as an IEnumerable of CartLine. This means it is a list of things that can be iterated, but it is not necessarily and instance of List<CartLine>. To use the instance as an actual List it needs to be cast. That is what the as is doing here. It is doing a safe cast to a List<CartLine> type to tell the code that it actually is a list. Whether or not this is a good idea in this case is not easy to determine from the code.
    – musicfuel
    Apr 18, 2020 at 13:59
  • as tries to cast whatever it is handed to the given type. Lets say I have a class Lion: Animal. Now I can do Animal myAnimal = new Lion();. But now I can't use any specific Lion stuff on myAnimal so I could do Lion myLion = myAnimal as Lion;, and now I have the same object but I can use it as a Lion. Note here that it tries to cast. If the cast is not valid (because the object is not of that type) it'll return null.
    – user10608418
    Apr 18, 2020 at 14:00

2 Answers 2


The as keyword is used to do a cast which is where you treat a variable of one type to act like a different type. From your source it seems the writer wanted to cast IEnumerable to List so they could use the properties of List. Following from this question, enumerable.ToList(); seems more appropriate than a cast.

using System.Linq; // At the top of the file

List<CartLine> cartList = Lines.ToList();

In C# 'as' is used to do a safe cast. If an object can't be casted to the desired type it returns null.

Linq IEnumerable.ToList() inserts all elements of an Enumerable<T> in a new List<T>. Only the List will be a new object, single elements will be the same.

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