I'm starting learning C#, but I have no idea how I can compile my code using terminal. I searched the internet, but nothing helped me. I'm tryed to use gmcs and csc and nothing helped. So, how can I compile C# file using linux terminal?


3 Answers 3


to compile a C# file, you need to have dotnet installed, here is a link with the info on how to install it. Dotnet Then you go to where the file is and put dotnet run without <> Although it is highly recommended that you create a project first and paste your code into the Program.cs file. This way you will avoid unnecessary headaches.

  • I did as you said and I get an error at startup dotnet: "Failed to complete because the specified command or the specified file was not found." I used: "dotnet file.cs"
    – h4cktivist
    Commented Apr 19, 2020 at 7:06
  • is dotnet run file.cs
    – Zegameus
    Commented Apr 19, 2020 at 17:49


Install mono.

And then in the console: csc 'location of a .cs file'

To run it: mono 'location of the compiled exe'

  • When i using csc I get an error: Syntax error: illegal atomic form: () inside expression `(string ...)'. I'm used "csc hello.cs" and get it
    – h4cktivist
    Commented Apr 18, 2020 at 16:26
  • mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/mono-basics You mean this?
    – SubSpecs
    Commented Apr 18, 2020 at 16:27
  • Yes, I mean this
    – h4cktivist
    Commented Apr 18, 2020 at 16:29
  • WinForms Hello World or Console Hello World? Which one you tried to compile?
    – SubSpecs
    Commented Apr 18, 2020 at 16:35
  • Console Hello World
    – h4cktivist
    Commented Apr 19, 2020 at 3:27

Consider trying an Ubuntu solution which is Mono C# Compiler

First, install the mono-mcs package:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y mono-mcs

Next, compile your C# file:

mcs yourfilename.cs

Finally, execute the compiled program:

mono yourfilename.exe

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