I cannot achieve a complete and satisfactory cloning method in JS. I have this father class, with properties and methods, of course each derived class must access to such father's methods

class Father {
    constructor() {
        this.fatherProp = 1;

    fatherMethod() {
        console.log('father method');

and this child class, that extends the previous one

class Child extends Father {
    constructor() {
        this.childProp = 2;

The client code works fine

let child1 = new Child();
console.log(child1); // CONSOLE: Child {fatherProp: 1, childProp: 2}
child1.fatherMethod(); // CONSOLE: father method

Then, I need to clone the child object, of course keeping all the same father/child classes structure, properties and method. So I added a clone method in Father class

class Father {
    constructor() {
        this.fatherProp = 1;

    fatherMethod() {
        console.log('father method');

    clone() {
        let newObject = {};
        Object.assign(newObject, this);
        return newObject;

Client code works so-and-so.

let child2 = child1.clone();
console.log(child2); // CONSOLE: {fatherProp: 1, childProp: 2} *** "Child" type missing
child2.fatherMethod(); // CONSOLE: Uncaught TypeError: child2.fatherMethod is not a function

Deeply logging the two objects I can see that first child (blue in the picture) has "father" as "__proto". While second object (red) has empty __proto

enter image description here

What's going on? How should I clone an object in this case? Thank you

  • 1
    That's what newObject = {} creates. You will need to create an instance of your class.
    – Bergi
    Apr 22, 2020 at 7:24

1 Answer 1


Your clone method return an object instead of a Class, one way:

class Father {
    constructor() {
        this.fatherProp = 1;

    fatherMethod() {
        console.log('father method');

    clone() {
        let clone = Object.assign( Object.create( Object.getPrototypeOf(this)), this);
        return clone;

class Child extends Father {
    constructor() {
        this.childProp = 2;

let child1 = new Child();
console.log(child1); // CONSOLE: Child {fatherProp: 1, childProp: 2}
child1.fatherMethod(); // CONSOLE: father method

let child2 = child1.clone();
console.log(child2); // CONSOLE: {fatherProp: 1, childProp: 2} *** "Child" type missing
child2.fatherMethod(); // CONSOLE: Uncaught TypeError: child2.fatherMethod is not a function

  • It works, thanks to everyone. (It was actually a duplicated question.)
    – Marco
    Apr 22, 2020 at 15:23

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