As far as I know, in Flutter, you can't use an Image
widget to control a gif's speed, duration, looping et cetera.
But I do know this library called flutter_gifimage that helps you do just so.
Using it, you can control how the gif animates using something similar to an animation controller. Here's an example of what you can do with it:
Example usage:
First declare a GifController and a GifImage which is basically an 'Image' with a controller.
GifController controller= GifController(vsync: this);
controller: controller,
image: AssetImage("images/animate.gif"),
Now you can control it just like any other Animation Controller:
// loop from 0 frame to 29 frame
// jumpTo thrid frame(index from 0)
controller.value = 0;
// from current frame to 26 frame