Whenever the user edits a cell in a particular column, I want to copy their value to an adjacent cell and remove the value from the cell they edited. From the event object, I can get the newValue from the cell that was edited, but I don't know to get a reference to a different cell and set its value.

gridColumnDefinitions = [
      headerName: 'Column A',
      field: 'columnA',
      editable: true,
      onCellValueChanged: (event) => {
          var newValue = event.newValue;

          //Move new value to columnB and set this value to "".
      headerName: 'Column B',
      field: 'columnB',
      editable: false,

1 Answer 1


You can define onCellValueChanged on columnA something like this -

  onCellValueChanged : (params) => {
      if (params.oldValue !== params.newValue) {
        params.data.columnB = params.newValue; // assign to new adjacent column
        params.data.columnA = ""; // change the underlying data 
        params.api.refreshCells({columns : ["columnA","columnB"]}) ;
  • Works, but I had to use this.agGrid.api.setColumnDefs(this.columnDefs) and this.form.updateValueAndValidity() instead of refreshCells
    – Jmainol
    Dec 22, 2023 at 14:12

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