I'm new to android development so this may be simple but I just cant see what is wrong.

I have a data class (which is actually a room entity if that matters) , for example :

data class MyDataClass (
   var dataType:Int=0,

In viewmodel I have

val data = MutableLiveData<MyDataClass>()

In the viewmodel init block this is initialised

In my activity layout xml I have various views to allow editing of the data class

There is a spinner in the layout which edits the dataType :


So far it works.

I then have a view in the layout


where the hideIfZero binding adapter is

fun hideIfZero(view: View, number:Int) {
    view.visibility = if (number == 0) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE

When I run the app, I can edit all of my fields including the dataType via the spinner. However when I change the spinner value the visibility of the LinearLayout is not changed.

What am I missing ?

Do I need to somehow tell the activity to refresh the complete layout. Any examples I've found seem to imply this should happen automatically.

  • You're binding to the dataType member, which is just an Int. From the databinding documentation: "Any plain-old object can be used for data binding, but modifying the object doesn't automatically cause the UI to update".
    – Michael
    Apr 28, 2020 at 10:11
  • Michael - so is there a way to mark (annotate) dataType so that modification does cause a UI update ?
    – john4663
    Apr 28, 2020 at 14:04


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