This is my dataframe:

d = { 'id':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
df = pd.DataFrame(d)

All values in id are unique, I want to MultiIndex col1 and col2 and get all ids for each combination in col1 and col2. This is how I want the result to look, kind of like a pivot table.

col1   col2     id
abc     ect     1
def     qax     2
ghi     vcx     3
ghi     qtr     4
jkl     vcx     5
mno     vcx     6
pqr     nhg     8
stu     fbv     9
vwx     nhg     10

What I tried:

df1 = df.drop_duplicates(['col1','col2'])
id col1 col2
1  abc  ect
2  def  qax
3  ghi  vcx
5  jkl  vcx
6  mno  vcx
8  pqr  nhg
9  stu  fbv
10  vwx  nhg

This gives me all possible combinations between col1 and col2. But I am losing rows from id column which I need. For eg. I lost row with id=7 , because it was a duplicate.

Since I have all combinations from the previous query , could I do run this to get all rows which have same value in col1 and col2 across df and df1:

#This query doesnt work , I am just trying to show what columns to compare and get rows.
df.loc[(df['col1'].isin(df1['col1'])) & (df['col2'].isin(df1['col2']))]

Please let me know if more information is needed.

1 Answer 1


You can use:

   id col1 col2
0   1  abc  ect
1   2  def  qax
2   3  ghi  vcx
3   4  ghi  qtr
4   5  jkl  vcx
5   6  mno  vcx
6   7          
7   8  pqr  nhg
8   9  stu  fbv
9  10  vwx  nhg

Or maybe

col1 col2    
abc  ect    1
def  qax    2
ghi  vcx    3
     qtr    4
jkl  vcx    5
mno  vcx    6
pqr  nhg    8
stu  fbv    9
vwx  nhg   10
  • I am not able to search value after converting col1 as index. Is there a way to do that? df1.loc[df1['col1'] == 'ghi'] Commented May 20, 2020 at 21:59

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