I'm using the Java API for Amazon AWS. I successfully authenticate, then get all images and my images are not among them (my AMIs are private, but I suppose that I will still see them since I have been authenticated). Here is my source...

final AmazonEC2 client = new AmazonEC2Client(credentails);

for(Image image: client.describeImages().getImages()){
    //... do something usefull with the AMI

And my "OwnerId" is not among the received ones. What is the problem, I won't make my AMIs public, how can I get my AMIs?

ANSWER: I was in a wrong region, and I was getting only AMIs from that region, not mine. The way to change region is:

  • How to set the Endpoint with C# .NET SDK ? It seems that method is missing ? Jan 21, 2012 at 0:26

1 Answer 1


FYI, if you're only interested in your own instances you can dramatically reduce the amount of bandwidth used in a DescribeInstances call using:

DescribeImagesRequest request = new DescribeImagesRequest();

Collection<Image> images = client.describeImages(request).getImages();

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