So, I'm working on a SAP HANA database that has 10 million records in one table and there are 'n' number of tables in the db. The constraints that I'm facing are:

  1. I do not have write access to the db.
  2. The maximum RAM in the system is 6 GB.

Now, I need to extract the data from this table and save it as a csv or txt or excel file. I tried Select * from query. Using this the machine extracts ~700k records before showing an out of memory exception.

I've tried using LIMIT and OFFSET in SAP HANA and it works perfectly, but it takes around ~30 mins for the machine to process ~500k records. So, going by this route will be very time consuming.

So, I wanted to known if there is anyway by which I can automate the process of selecting 500k records using LIMIT and OFFSET and save each such sub-file containing 500k records automatically into as a csv/txt file on the system, so that I can run this query and leave the system overnight to extract data.

  • 1
    you can use export command to export all data in csv. Refermention link [link] (help.sap.com/viewer/4fe29514fd584807ac9f2a04f6754767/2.0.04/…) May 13, 2020 at 19:39
  • With a maximum RAM of 6 GB HANA would not be able to run. This looks like a typo.
    – Lars Br.
    May 14, 2020 at 2:07
  • @SomendraKanaujia I do not have the required privileges to export the data using that command.
    – Will
    May 14, 2020 at 3:10
  • @LarsBr. Well these are the specs of the VM that I have to use to extract the data where SAP HANA has been installed.
    – Will
    May 14, 2020 at 3:11
  • There never had been a version of HANA that was supported to run under 12 GB of RAM. Even the HANA Express Edition requires about that at the absolute minimum. Are you sure this is GB and not TB?
    – Lars Br.
    May 14, 2020 at 3:24


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