I updated from ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 12.10 and the python module I have written suddenly no longer works with the error message that the module scipy does not have the attribute 'misc'. This worked previously. I am still using python 2.7 after the update. Here is where the code crashes

  • scipy.misc still exists. scipy.misc.imsave has been removed, but that would produce a different error message. You've done something wrong on top of trying to use scipy.misc.imsave. May 18, 2020 at 0:07
  • Also, you should really update to Python 3. Almost everything is dropping Python 2 support, including the imageio module you switched to. May 18, 2020 at 0:08

1 Answer 1


it's very easy u have to do this step
1-pip install imageio

2-import imageio

3-replace scipy.misc.imsave(image_name,data)

with this code

imageio.imwrite(image_name, data)


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